Поредицата включва 4 нива от A2 до C1 и осигурява на учащите теми и ситуации от ежедневието, допълнени от разнообразни упражнения. Подходящи са за самостоятелна подготовка и за работа в клас. С помагалото "Listening and Speaking" учащите могат да развият уменията, от които се нуждаят, за да говорят уверено английски, където и да се намират - у дома, на работа, на пътуване, учене или просто в социални ситуации с англоговорящи приятели. Изданието включва отговори на упражненията и CD. Учебно-помощната система по английски език "Cambridge English Skills Real - ниво 3 (B1 - B2)" се състои от: помагало ... |
Look at the pictures and say the words! Wonderful Words: My Food! is packed with lots of bright illustrations and labels to help your little one explore the everyday subject of the food they eat. Words are grouped into categories to improve your toddler's vocabulary and encourage discussion. Questions help you to explore numbers, colours and shapes with your child. A colourful wall poster gives you a fun 5-minute word recap whenever you need it Wonderful Words: My Food! gives your curious child loads to spot and talk about on every page, encouraging them to practise their vocabulary skills as they learn new words. ... |
"Riverboat Bill" is a Level 4 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. The book contains ... |
First Things I Can Do: Saving Our Planet introduces your young child aged 5+ to the importance of looking after our planet and how we can each play a vital role. The book contains: bright, simple, clearly labelled illustrations on every spread; activity panels and charming characters encourage learning and interactivity; includes a giant reduce, reuse, recycle wall poster. With simple text and fun illustrations, First Things I Can Do: Saving Our Planet explores everything that is wonderful about Earth, and gives your child hands-on activities to guide them to reduce, reuse and recycle. This delightful book ... |
Encyclopedia of Amazing Facts is a children's encyclopedia with a difference, providing young learners with a wealth of knowledge in an accessible way! The book suggests: wide range of subjects; great for homework projects; bite-sized information to hold your child's attention; amazing images to support children who learn well through visual prompts. Crammed with amazing bite-sized facts, fantastic photographs and detailed artworks, Encyclopedia of Amazing Facts explains key concepts in a fun way to appeal to younger readers and support their learning at school. ... |
Six IELTS practice tests for perfect exam training, including details of the test format, question types an scoring system, plus step-by-step guidance and tips. Build your confidence by following the step-by-step guidance, tips and strategies in the Training and Exam Practice exercises in the first two practice tests. Then develop your exam technique with the final four tests. Grammar, vocabulary and writing practice exercises show you how to avoid common mistakes. The resources download includes audio for the Listening tests, audioscripts, the answer key with clear explanations and model writing answers. Учебната ... |
"IELTS Trainer General Training" е учебно помагало, подходящо за подготовката на всички ученици, които ще полагат сертификатния изпит IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Съдържа 6 пълни примерни теста по формата на реалния изпит и подробна информация за различните изпитни компоненти. Първите два теста са с обяснения към задачите и съвети за подхода при решаването им. Следващите четири практически теста са с упражнения по граматика, лексика и писмена практика и ще помогнат на учащите да избегнат често допускани грешки на предишни изпити. Допълнителните ресурси за изтегляне съдържат ... |
Discover tractors, trucks, diggers and emergency vehicles. Bursting with bright illustrations of tractors, trucks, diggers and emergency vehicles, little ones will love exploring this action-packed non-fiction picture book of busy machines! The book is: filled with a multitude of machines, each delightfully characterised to engage young readers; split into four brightly illustrated sections: Diggers, Rescue, Tractors and Trucks; with engaging text and helpful labels throughout explain what different machines do; with included a fun, bright wall poster (75 x 50 cm). With engaging text, lively scenes and delightful ... |
Five-minute Bible Stories includes stories from both the Old and New Testaments, wonderfully retold to capture a child's interest and provide a perfect introduction to the events of the Bible. Included are well-known tales such as Noah and the Ark, David and the Giant, and Jonah and the Whale, each accompanied by beautiful illustrations. ... |
Bright, colourful illustrations are packed with charm and detail that will capture the imagination. Stories included are How the Camel Got His Hump, The Ugly Duckling, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Three Little Pigs and The Elephant's Child. The cover has been designed using a wealth of special effects. Beautiful gift book with stunning cover effects, contains five brightly illustrated stories and perfect for bedtime story-telling. ... |
Children can set off on an amazing adventure through the animal world with the help of appealing, contemporary artwork, fun text and incredible facts. Clever camouflage, super senses and life in the harshest habitats are just some of the topics covered. Charming characters communicate extra fun facts and a practical activity on every spread encourages reader participation. Also included is an animal families wall poster, plus a quiz page. ... |
Compiled by Vic Parker. ... "Magical Stories" is an enchanting anthology that will whisk young readers aged 6+ into imaginary worlds of curious characters, fantastical creatures and spellbinding events. The book includes tales spanning several centuries from renowned authors such as Rudyard Kipling, E. Nesbit, Lewis Carroll, Joseph Jacobs and Andrew Lang. The stories weave a rich and colourful tapestry of magic and fantasy, and are brought to life by captivating illustrations. "Magical Stories": Enchanting illustrations by renowned artists; Contains short stories and extracts; Five clear ... |