That night, neither Louise or Julien could sleep. Louise thought about Julien's kisses and she was frightened. She knew that it was wrong to betray her husband. But she was in love with Julien Sorel. She had never felt love like this before! Julien thought about Louise's husband. The mayor was an important and powerful man. If Julien seduced Rênal's beautiful wife, he would be in danger. He was sure that he would lose his job. Perhaps Rênal would kill him! This book is in British English. Here you can find: notes about the life of Stendhal; points for understanding comprehension questions; ... |
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Платинената певица и текстописка Румър издаде четвъртия си албум "This Girl's In Love: A Bacharach And David Songbook". Записът съдържа някои от най-емблематичните продукции на Бърт Башарак и Хал Дейвид, и в комбинация с невероятния глас на британката Румър, се получава най-добрият ѝ албум досега. Записан в известното студио Capital Studios и с помощта на композитора Роб Ширакбари "This Girl's In Love" включва и самия Башарак на пиано. Някои от песните в "This Girl's In Love" са ни познати от миналия век. Румър и Ширакбари решават да ги премоделират и да предадат приятната ... |
"How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you" is the latest book from the Latin dance sensation known as "The Oatmeal." It contains 136 pages of comics, instructional guides, and facts to help you enjoy, love, and survive your cat. This book contains a bunch of Oatmeal classics, such as Cat vs. Internet, How to pet a kitty, and the infamous Bobcats, as well as cat-turd-sized loads of new material. A few examples include: How to tell if your cat is a raging homosexual 6 ways to tell if your cat thinks it's a mountain lion The Bobcats on Saturday If we treated our cats like they treat us ... |
"Payner Love Ballads - Vol. 6" включва 11 разтапящи парчета, блестящо изпълнени от 10 звезди от каталога на музикална компания "Пайнер". Това са песни от репертоара на Деси Слава, Галин, Фики, Цветелина Янева, Мария, Райна, Димана, Малина, Нелина и Simos Salias. Само 11 песни, а носят толкова много емоция, способна да разчувства всеки. ... |
Enter the realm. Unleash the darkness. Live the legend. In a land without magic, an assassin is summoned to the castle. She has no love for the vicious king who rules from his throne of glass, but she has not come to kill him. She has come to win her freedom. If she defeats twenty-three murderers, thieves, and warriors in a competition, she will be released from prison to serve as the King's Champion. Her name is Celaena Sardothien. As dark forces gather on the horizon - forces which threaten to destroy her entire world - Celaena must fight to protect everything she holds dear, thrusting her into the epic, heart- ... |
#BookTok phenomenon and award-winning author Alex Aster delivers readers a masterfully written, utterly gripping YA fantasy novel. Welcome to the Centennial. Every 100 years, the island of Lightlark appears to host the Centennial, a deadly game that only the rulers of six realms are invited to play. The invitation is a summons - a call to embrace victory and ruin, baubles and blood. The Centennial offers the six rulers one final chance to break the curses that have plagued their realms for centuries. Each ruler has something to hide. Each realm's curse is uniquely wicked. To destroy the curses, one ruler must die. ... |
Based on the story of Mary Shelley. Retold by Patrick Nobes. ... Victor Frankenstein thinks he has found the secret of life. He takes parts from dead people and builds a new man. But this monster is so big and frightening that everyone runs away from him - even Frankenstein himself! The monster is like an enormous baby who needs love. But nobody gives him love, and soon he learns to hate. And, because he is so strong, the next thing he learns is how to kill... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of ... |
Part Wonder Woman, part Vikings - and all heart. Raised to be a warrior, seventeen-year-old Eelyn fights alongside her Aska clansmen in an ancient, god-decreed rivalry against the Riki clan. Her life is brutal but simple: train to fight and fight to survive. Until the day she sees the impossible on the battlefield - her brother, fighting with the enemy - the brother she watched die five years ago. Eelyn loses her focus and is captured. Now, she must survive the winter in the mountains with the Riki, in a village where every neighbour is an enemy, every battle scar possibly one she delivered. But when the Riki village is ... |
The production of this Reader in the 20th century British literature is a result of years of lecturing on the subject of English literature to the English Students undergraduates at the South Western University, and the cooperation of my students and colleagues as well as the support of the faculty bodies and administration. ... |
"Nobody But Me" е деветият студиен албум на платинения носител на "Grammy". Той излиза три години след изключително добре приетия "To Be Loved", който стана четвъртия запис на певеца, достигнал върха на "Billboard Top 200". В "Nobody But Me" ще можете да се насладите на колекция от оригинални поп парчета и красиви мелодии, напомнящи ни за таланта на проницателния интерпретатор на американски класики и умението му да пише и продуцира песни. "Nobody But Me" е записан в Лос Анджелис и Ванкувър и включва три оригинални песни на Майкъл Бъбъл, както и неговия прочит на ... |
Original Album (2017 Remaster). ... |
Албумът "Unzipped" е фокусиран върху акустични версии на произведенията, вдъхновени от албума "Starkers In Tokyo" от 1997. ... |