Представете си свят без дървета. Свят, който много прилича на нашия, но в който великолепните гори, катеренето по дървета и шумът на листа под повея на вятъра са вече само далечни спомени. Един ден обаче се появява смело и енергично момиче, което се осмелява да отиде там, където я води нейното въображение. Докато следваме приключенията на Олив в света на дърветата, ще си припомним необикновената сила и красота на природата. Не след дълго действията на младото момиче посяват нов живот в нейния свят. Последното дърво ни напомня колко крехък е нашият свят и празнува неговата невероятна красота. ... |
Christmas Special. ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Hiro, a 20-year-old Japanese student, sits next to an old man on a train to Berlin. By mistake they exchange phones and read each other's text messages. Hiro believes that the man's messages show that he is going to Berlin to kill someone. Hiro's first day in the city is a race against time as he tries to warn people of an assassination plot. But is the plot real or does it exist only in Hiro's ... |
No one survived the last battle unscathed. Flint is angry at the world, Jaxon is turning into something I don't recognize, and Hudson has put up a wall I'm not sure I'll ever break through. Now war is coming, and we're not ready. We're going to need an army to have any hope of winning. But first, there are questions about my ancestors that need answers. Answers that might just reveal who the real monster is among us. And that's saying something in a world filled with bloodthirsty vampires, immortal gargoyles, and an ancient battle between two gods. There's no guarantee that anyone will be left ... |
Compiled and edited by Nevena Dishlieva-Krysteva. ... This anthology contains twenty-six personal tales of youthful adventures, ridiculous hairstyles, bootleg cassette tapes, mafia thugs, hitchhiking and guitar-playing, free falling, and hopes for a bright future. All this took place against the backdrop of political and social cataclysms during the most vertiginous decade in Bulgaria’s recent history. A chronicle of euphoria, aspirations, and painful collapse. Stories from the '90s is the third and final book in the series of themed anthologies published by ICU, which also include My Brother's Suitcase and ... |
Four siblings. A country in ruin. One quest to save them all. Vira is desperate to get out of her mother's shadow and establish her legacy as a revered queen of Ashoka. But with the country's only quarry running out of magic - a precious resource that has kept Ashoka safe from conflict - she can barely protect her citizens from the looming threat of war. And if her enemies discover this, they'll stop at nothing to seize the last of the magic. Vira's only hope is to find a mysterious object of legend: the Ivory Key, rumoured to unlock a new source of magic. But in order to infiltrate enemy territory and ... |
Jamie and Andrew are strangers, and two of the last people on Earth. They don't know what they'll find on their perilous journey... but they may just find each other. A queer romance about courage, hope and humanity - this is "How I Live Now" with the heart of "Simon Vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda". When the Superflu wipes out most of the population, Jamie finds himself completely alone in a cabin in the woods - until an injured stranger crosses his path. Life is dangerous now and, armed with a gun, Jamie goes to pull the trigger. But there's something about Andrew... something that stops ... |
The International symposium dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of Sofia University and the 50th Anniversary of the Commencement of the European Economic Community was organized by the Department of Logic, Ethics, and Aesthetics at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, the Italian Institute of Culture in Sofia, and the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Sofia. It was held at the SU main campus on 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., known as the Rectorate, on September 23-25, 2008 as the news of the bizarre and troubling financial crisis poured in from all sides. The conference organizers observed that since the last two ... |
The awesome final step of "The Long Earth" series. Authors of the No. 1 bestseller "The Long Earth". ... 2070-71. Nearly six decades after Step Day and in the Long Earth, the new Next post-human society continues to evolve. For Joshua Valienté, now in his late sixties, it is time to take one last solo journey into the High Meggers: an adventure that turns into a disaster. Alone and facing death, his only hope of salvation lies with a group of trolls. But as Joshua confronts his mortality, the Long Earth receives a signal from the stars. A signal that is picked up by radio astronomers but also in ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Албумът Last Night на Поли Генова събира едни от най-големите ѝ хитове през последните две години като Last Night и No More, които влязоха в топ 3 на националната радио класация за най-излъчвани български песни през 2021 г. Сред другите парчета в албума са и колаборациите Тръгни навреме с Любо Киров и летният хит La Rumba с чилийския изпълнител Родриго Ейс. В него феновете могат да чуят още Help Me Out, Give Me Your Love, Недей да правиш така и Na Na. ... |
По повод 10-годишнината на платинения албум на "Slipknot" "All Hope Is Gone", издаде негово специално делукс издание, което ще бъде с нова обложка, направена от самия "M. Shawn Crahan" (барабист в групата), ремастерирано аудио и бонус диск, който съдържа знаковия хедлайнерски сет на "Slipknot" от 2009 г. в "Madison Square Garden". "All Hope Is Gone" е първият албум на бандата, който дебютира на #1 в класацията "Billboard Top 200" и бързо получава платинен сертификат от "RIAA". Записът съдържа едни от най-отличителните за групата песни като & ... |
Компактдискът представя на любителите на култовата музика един бисер от творчеството на Хайдн, популярен главно със симфониите, концертите и двете си оратории. Великият австриец от дете е свързан с църковната музика - хорист и солист на прочутия момчешки хор на “св. Стефан” във Виена в продължение на десет години. Всред многобройните му духовни композиции е и поръчката за освещаването на църквата в Кадис /Испания/, оркестрова творба, по-късно преработена от автора си във вокално-инструментален опус за солисти, хор и оркестър. Това е причината отделните части да имат чисто инструменталното название - “Соната”. Всяка от тях ... |