Мащабно умален сглобяем модел от пластмаса на изтребител на специалните сили на First Order - First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter. Брой части: 15 Дължина на модела: 19.0 cm Размах на крилата: 18.0 cm Елементите на модела са от здрава пластмаса и са предварително оцветени. Моделът е лесен за сглобяване, без необходимост от лепило. За "First Order" "First Order" е военна и политическа организация, чието съществуване започва приблизително 30 години след Битката при Ендор. Организацията се вдъхновява от принципите на Галактическата империя и води война със Съпротивата за контрола на галактиката. ... |
This book is in British English. ... Adam's money order was for one hundred pounds. Suddenly he was a rich man!"Go to the Post Office" - said the school teacher. "The Post Office official will give you the money." Adam went to the Post Office. But The official did not give him the money. Adam felt old and he felt poor again. There are exercises at the end of the book. Included CD contains audio versions of all the chapters of the book. ... |
Second edition. ... Integrating basic concepts and meaning. The business and societal environment has dramatically changed over the past two decades. The accountant is not more a bookkeeper but a business partner in creating both economic and societal value. Being grounded in operational reality and employing leading edge methods needed for the organizational success, management accounting is at the heart of accounting profession today. This book is your guide through the challenges in understanding this fascinating field of accounting and this profession. Management Accounting: Integrating Basic Concepts and Meaning is ... |
The arresting pictures of Frida Kahlo were in many ways expressions of trauma. Through a near-fatal road accident at the age of 18, failing health, a turbulent marriage, miscarriage and childlessness, she transformed the afflictions into revolutionary art. In literal or metaphorical self-portraiture, Kahlo looks out at the viewer with an audacious glare, rejecting her destiny as a passive victim and rather intertwining expressions of her experience into a hybrid surreal-real language of living: hair, roots, veins, vines, tendrils and fallopian tubes. Many of her works also explore the Communist political ideals which ... |
Най-продаваната граматика в света за всички, които изучават английски език. Пето издание на граматиката, което включва упражнения с отговори + електронна версия на помагалото. ... Разработено от Реймънд Мърфи и издадено за първи път през 1985 г., English Grammar in Use е популярно издание и до днес. През годините книгата е използвана от милиони хора по света като полезен помощник за изучаването на английската граматика. Петото ѝ издание е с актуализирано съдържание, но запазва простотата, яснотата и лекотата на употреба, които са направили English Grammar in Use толкова популярна сред учащите, а и сред учителите. ... |
Пакет със книжки. ... The Flash Reading Scheme provides a stimulating yet structured approach to developing reading skills. The carefully graded vocabulary throughout its five reading levels enables children to learn keywords whilst enjoying exciting, fun-filled stories. The amusing characters and their adventures with the magic camera have been specially created to capture the imaginations of the young in both familiar and unusual settings. Each illustration has been designed to encourage discussion and interaction, and playful Tiger can be found hiding amongst the pages of every story. All of the books contain advice ... |
A reference and practice grammar for elementary to intermediate students. ... Grammar Tour предлага пътуване из основната английска граматика, като извежда учащите от ниво начинаещи до нивото, необходимо за успешното явяване на изпита по общ английски Предварителен тест (РЕТ) на университета Кеймбридж (нива от А1 до В1+ на Общата европейска езикова рамка на Съвета на Европа за степен на владеене на чужд език). Всяка част на настоящата граматика съдържа ясно обяснени и добре онагледени граматически структури, представени в теоретичната част, след която следва богато разнообразие от различни видове упражнения. Grammar Tour ... |
Курсът е разработен за специалисти и студенти по маркетинг. 50 урока осигуряват цялата информация за основите на маркетинга, проучвания, реклама, медии и PR, а фокусът върху истински компании дава разнообразие от оригинални текстове. Учебната система "Professional English in Use" съдържа помагалата: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
The Second World War began on 1 September 1939 with the German invasion in Poland and ended in August 1945 with surrender of Japan. That global military conflict involved all of the great powers and most of the world’s nations. There were two opposing alliances: the Allies (USSR, Great Britain, USA etc.) and the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan). Second World War in Europe was fought on three fronts: Eastern, Western and Italian. The most bloody and devastating fights were on the Eastern front. The war ended with the total defeat of the Axis powers. Shortly after the outbreak of the war Hitler's Germany managed ... |
Pocket editions. A compact, user-friendly reference book addressing many of the kinds of questions about grammar that regularly confront teachers, both novice and experienced, when planning or executing their lessons. A glance at any web-site, discussion forum or social network shared by teachers of English suggests that teachers are constantly asking each other questions related to pedagogical grammar. These may simply be questions about terminology or categorisation (What's a clause?; Is like a preposition?), or they may seek to unravel subtle grammatical distinctions (What's the difference between for and ... |
Изданието е триезично - на английски, немски и френски език. ... Henk Schiffmacher’s Private Collection of the Art and Its Makers, 1730s - 1970s. One part history book, one part art book, and one part fascinating memoir, this book is an overview of more than two centuries of tattoo history intermixed with an intimate look at the lives of tattoo artists, and the personal struggles and triumphs, occupational hazards, and artistic courage that have defined so much of this history. For the last forty years, Henk Schiffmacher has poured his heart and soul into his collection, amassing tattoo drawings, designs, photographs, ... |
The 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling foundational business training manual for ambitious readers, featuring new concepts and mental models: updated, expanded, and revised. Many people assume they need to attend business school to learn how to build a successful business or advance in their career. That's not true. The vast majority of modern business practice requires little more than common sense, simple arithmetic, and knowledge of a few very important ideas and principles. "The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition" provides a clear overview of the essentials of every major business topic: ... |