- áúðçî, ëåñíî è óäîáíî - áúðçî, ëåñíî è óäîáíî!
Ãðèæà çà êëèåíòà   |   Çà êîíòàêòè
Íà÷àëî   ...    ...    Òúðñåíå íà: ��������� alexander
Íà÷àëî   ...    ...  
Èçïîëçâàìå áèñêâèòêè, çà äà îñèãóðèì âúçìîæíî íàé-äîáðîòî ïðåæèâÿâàíå â íàøèÿ óåáñàéò. Çà äà ðàáîòè ïðàâèëíî å íåîáõîäèìî ñúãëàñèå ñ óïîòðåáàòà èì!
Äåòàéëíè íàñòðîéêè
Ñúãëàñåí ñúì ñ áèñêâèòêèòå

Òúðñåíå íà: ��������� alexander

/ íàä 500 ïðîäóêòà /
Alexander Abagiev

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Öåíà:  20.00 ëâ.
Practical Handbook of Finite Element Method for Civil Engineers
Alexander Dimitrov

Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 33.30 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -39%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  20.28 ëâ.
The Forever Girl
Alexander McCall Smith

Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  22.00 ëâ.
Alchemy & Mysticism
Alexander Roob

Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Öåíà:  49.90 ëâ.
Ïî äèðèòå íà Ïåí÷î Ãåîðãèåâ : Auf den Spuren von Penčo Georgiev
Àëåêñàíäúð Çèöìàí (Alexander Sitzmann)

Black Flamingo
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  15.00 ëâ.
New Realism
Alexander Kanev

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Öåíà:  19.00 ëâ.
To libraries, with love. The Library-Information Policy of Bulgaria 1989 - 2013
Alexander Dimchev

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Öåíà:  14.00 ëâ.
A guide to the Valley of Roses
Dimana Trankova, Anthony Georgieff, Alexander Ivanov

Ôîíäàöèÿ Ôðèé Ñïèé÷ Èíòåðíåøúíúë
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Öåíà:  49.99 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòè îòãîâàðÿùè íà òúðñåíå: ��������� alexander
Ghena -
Alexander Abagiev

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Öåíà:  20.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
"Voce che solo gli dei meritano." Herbert Von Karajan "Nella storia mondiale dell'arte il nome di Ghena Dimitrova puo essere posto solo accanto ai nomi di Maria Callas e Renata Tebaldi." New York Times Magazine "La voce di Ghena Dimitrova e eccezionalmente espressiva, immensa e squillante. Possiede la forza di un uragano!" Franco Zeffirelli ...
Practical Handbook of Finite Element Method for Civil Engineers -
Practical Handbook of Finite Element Method for Civil Engineers
Alexander Dimitrov


Öåíà:  20.28 ëâ.
Ñòàíäàðòíà öåíà 33.30 ëâ.
Âçåìè ñåãà ñ îòñòúïêà -39%!
Çà ïîâå÷å ïîäðîáíîñòè âèæ â ïðîäóêòà.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
"Solid building materials and elements such as building facade components have not only architectural-structural functions, but they are to be guards against environmental attacks on the thermal and moisture comfort of inhabited premises: if necessary, impacts should be let through; or they should be reflected or accumulated. However, the facade structural elements undergo the following impacts: solar radiation; wind load; variation of the outdoor air temperature; effects of neighbouring buildings; effects of the environmental landscape; reflection or accumulation of solar radiation followed by secondary ...
Ôðåãàòà - Alexander Newsky - Ôðåãàòà - Alexander Newsky
Ñãëîáÿåì ìîäåë îò äúðâî

Öåíà:  165.00 ëâ.
Óìàëåí ìîäåë íà ðóñêà ôðåãàòà - Alexander Newsky, èçïîëçâàíà îò ðóñêàòà àðìèÿ è ó÷àñòâàëà àêòèâíî â áèòêàòà ïðè Íàâàðèíî ïðåç 1827. Çà ïúðâè ïúò Ðóñèÿ óñïÿ äà ïðîíèêíå â Ñðåäèçåìíîìîðèåòî êàòî âîåííîìîðñêà ñèëà. Êîðàáúò å âåòðîõîäåí è èìà òðè ïàëóáè îò ïúðâè êëàñ. Îðèãèíàëíî îïèñàíèå: Russian ship with three decks of 1st class, the Alexander Newsky participated actively in the battle of Navarino in 1827. For the first time Russia managed to penetrate the Mediterranean as a naval power. Êîìïëåêòúò ñúäúðæà: äúðâåíè åëåìåíòè çà ñãëîáÿâàíå íà êîðàáà êîíöè òåêñòèëíè åëåìåíòè çà èçðàáîòâàíå íà ïëàòíà èíñòðóêöèè çà ...
The Forever Girl -
The Forever Girl
Alexander McCall Smith


Öåíà:  22.00 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
The number one "Sunday Times" bestseller. ... Clover has loved James for as long as she can remember, since before she knew what what love was. But fate seems determined to keep them apart. As children, Clover and James played beside a turquoise sea under cloudless skies, their Caribbean island home a place of pleasure and privilege, of lush lawns and tennis parties. In such a paradise nothing should obstruct the kind of happiness Clover dreams of, except that, as she discovers, true love is often harder than paradise allows for. And when Clover's mother falls out of love with her husband, a web of ...
Alchemy & Mysticism -
Alchemy & Mysticism
Alexander Roob

Öåíà:  49.90 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
The Hermetic Museum takes readers on a magical mystery tour spanning an arc from the medieval cosmogram and images of Christian mysticism, through the fascinating world of alchemy to the art of the Romantic era. The enigmatic hieroglyphs of cabalists, Rosicrucians, and freemasons are shown to be closely linked with the early scientific illustrations in the fields of medicine, chemistry, optics, and color theory. Even for those with no knowledge of the fascinating history of alchemy, this book is a delight to explore. Each richly illustrated chapter begins with an introduction and quotes from alchemists by specialist ...
Ïî äèðèòå íà Ïåí÷î Ãåîðãèåâ Auf den Spuren von Penčo Georgiev -
Ïî äèðèòå íà Ïåí÷î Ãåîðãèåâ : Auf den Spuren von Penčo Georgiev
Àëåêñàíäúð Çèöìàí (Alexander Sitzmann)

Black Flamingo
Öåíà:  15.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
Äâóåçè÷íî èçäàíèå íà áúëãàðñêè è íåìñêè åçèê. ... Ïåí÷î Ãåîðãèåâ å æèâîïèñåö, ãðàôèê è ñöåíîãðàô, ðîäåí 1900 ã. â ãðàä Âðàöà. Çàâúðøâà Äúðæàâíàòà õóäîæåñòâåíà àêàäåìèÿ ïðåç 1925 ã., êàòî îò 1925 äî 1929 ã. æèâåå â Ïàðèæ. Çàãèâà 1940 ã. ïðè òðàãè÷íà çëîïîëóêà â Íàðîäíèÿ òåàòúð. ...
New Realism -
New Realism
Alexander Kanev

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Öåíà:  19.00 ëâ.
Âúçìîæíà å åêñïðåñíà äîñòàâêà ñàìî çà 6 ÷àñà â ðàìêèòå íà Ñîôèÿ, â ðàáîòíè äíè îò 10:00 äî 18:00 ÷àñà.
Problem and Perspectives. ... New Realism is a movement in philosophy initiated in 2011 by Maurizio Ferraris (University of Turin) and Markus Gabriel (University of Bonn). It has already had success in prompting debates on the perspectives for a realist turn in philosophy. Hundreds of articles pro and contra New Realism have been published, some authored by distinguished contemporary thinkers. All over the world there have been international forums related to the movement. The main task of New Realism is to develop a theoretical alternative to postmodernism and other antirealist traditions in contemporary philosophy. ...
Rights and Values in an Expanding Europe: A Mutual Enrichment through Different Traditions -
Rights and Values in an Expanding Europe: A Mutual Enrichment through Different Traditions
Alexander Gungov, Karim Mamdani

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Öåíà:  20.00 ëâ.
One of the crucial questions, which emerges in the process of the EU expansion is "How to avoid the alienation of the values and rights from the vivid culture of the European nations?" No doubt, they should not be limited to formal principles of communication. The point is to determine what should be done within the frame of politics, economy, education, healthcare, legislation, art, etc. in order to implement the principles of the European culture as guidelines for European citizens. Discussing rights and values in the Enlarging EU, it is usually assumed that the new member states are going to adopt the ...
The Addressees of the EU Internal and External Policy: De Jure and De Facto -
The Addressees of the EU Internal and External Policy: De Jure and De Facto
Alexander Gungov, Karim Mamdani

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Öåíà:  20.00 ëâ.
The International symposium dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of Sofia University and the 50th Anniversary of the Commencement of the European Economic Community was organized by the Department of Logic, Ethics, and Aesthetics at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, the Italian Institute of Culture in Sofia, and the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Sofia. It was held at the SU main campus on 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., known as the Rectorate, on September 23-25, 2008 as the news of the bizarre and troubling financial crisis poured in from all sides. The conference organizers observed that since the last two ...
Star Wars: Battlefront - Twilight Company -
Star Wars: Battlefront - Twilight Company
Alexander Freed

Del Rey
Öåíà:  16.90 ëâ.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... ... Among the stars and across the vast expanses of space, the Galactic Civil War rages. On the battlefields of multiple worlds in the Mid Rim, legions of stormtroopers are waging brutal combat against an armada of freedom fighters. In the streets of ravaged cities, the Rebel Alliance forces are pushing deeper into Imperial territory as they grapple with the savage realities of war on the ground. Leading the charge are the soldiers of Twilight Company - the Sixty-first Mobile Infantry, whose hard-bitten, ferociously loyal members doggedly survive where others perish. Against ...
To libraries, with love. The Library-Information Policy of Bulgaria 1989 - 2013 -
To libraries, with love. The Library-Information Policy of Bulgaria 1989 - 2013
Alexander Dimchev

ÓÈ Ñâ. Êëèìåíò Îõðèäñêè
Öåíà:  14.00 ëâ.
This collection incorporates selected texts of various types, including: conference reports; materials intended for national projects or programs; scientific articles; international projects; theoretical works; communications. The compiler’s idea is to provide a mirror-like picture of the developments in the Bulgarian library-and-information sector on the basis of the above texts; to outline the trends of development of this sector during this period; to present some theoretical works containing projections and different policies [that could be] implemented within the library-and-information spectrum. This publication is ...
A guide to the Valley of Roses -
A guide to the Valley of Roses
Dimana Trankova, Anthony Georgieff, Alexander Ivanov

Ôîíäàöèÿ Ôðèé Ñïèé÷ Èíòåðíåøúíúë
Öåíà:  49.99 ëâ.
Ïðîäóêòúò å ïðåäñòàâåí ñ âúòðåøíè ñòðàíèöè
The Bulgarian oil-bearing rose may be this country's unofficial symbol, yet it grows in just a narrow patch of land squeezed between two mountain ranges. Known as the Valley of Roses, this region deserves to be explored and visited for more than its aromatic flowers. With its rich ancient heritage, stunning summits and peaks, traditional towns and villages, historical sites of national importance, remnants of Communist-era megalomaniacal projects in various stages of dilapidation, and a vibrant community preserving the traditions of yesteryear, the Valley of Roses is Bulgaria in a nutshell. With breathtaking ...
Òúðñåíå íà: ��������� alexander Ïðîäóêòè 1-12 îò íàä 500
Õîñå Åðàñòè, Ìàðèíî Ïåðåñ Àëâàðåñ
Íèâèàê Êîðíåëèóñåí
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