Албумът "Unzipped" е фокусиран върху акустични версии на произведенията, вдъхновени от албума "Starkers In Tokyo" от 1997. ... |
Acarological studies in Bulgaria start in 1907 (water mites) and 1921 (terrestrial mites). So far 1673 species of Acari (Acariformes and Parasitiformes) have been reported (252 Acaridida, 420 Oribatida, 616 Prostigmata, 344 Mesostigmata and 44 Ixodida). They belong to 630 genera and 213 families. The real number of mites species living in Bulgaria is expected to exceed 3000. The checklist is preceded by a short review of the history of the acarological research and is followed by a bibliography of 477 titles. The systematic position of many taxa is made up-to-date and many names are introduced for the first time in ... |
Прекрасно подаръчно издание, изработено изключително луксозно. Книгата съдържа в себе си вечните Шекспирови сонети както в оригинал на английски език, така и в най-добрия български превод - този на Валери Петров. Книга за ценители!"Красавецо, младежкия си чар прахосваш ти за собствена изгода, но този чар го дава не във дар, а само в заем щедрата Природа. А щом е тъй, скъпернико красив, защо ѝ харчиш влога без остатък - нали затуй, чаровнико, си жив, живот и чар да предадеш нататък? Ти алчен си за себе си, но знай, човек така сам себе си предава, и щом Природата ти каже: "Край!", каква ще ти е ... |
The Hermetic Museum takes readers on a magical mystery tour spanning an arc from the medieval cosmogram and images of Christian mysticism, through the fascinating world of alchemy to the art of the Romantic era. The enigmatic hieroglyphs of cabalists, Rosicrucians, and freemasons are shown to be closely linked with the early scientific illustrations in the fields of medicine, chemistry, optics, and color theory. Even for those with no knowledge of the fascinating history of alchemy, this book is a delight to explore. Each richly illustrated chapter begins with an introduction and quotes from alchemists by specialist ... |
A reference and practice grammar for elementary to intermediate students. ... Grammar Tour предлага пътуване из основната английска граматика, като извежда учащите от ниво начинаещи до нивото, необходимо за успешното явяване на изпита по общ английски Предварителен тест (РЕТ) на университета Кеймбридж (нива от А1 до В1+ на Общата европейска езикова рамка на Съвета на Европа за степен на владеене на чужд език). Всяка част на настоящата граматика съдържа ясно обяснени и добре онагледени граматически структури, представени в теоретичната част, след която следва богато разнообразие от различни видове упражнения. Grammar Tour ... |
Edited by David A. Jasen. ... Throughout history, few musical crazes have hit with such impact, had such a heyday and lingered so hauntingly as ragtime. Ragtime arrived on the upswing of Tin Pan Alley, when the popularity of pianos in the home was reaching its peak and an endless stream of sheet music flowed out to meet the demand. In the early 1900s, no name was more prominent on those sheet-music covers and no one wrote ragtime music more brilliantly than Scott Joplin. This wonderful book brings together in one superbly produced playing edition all thirty-eight of Scott Joplin's piano rags, including his six ... |
Her life is in his hands. His heart is in hers. One hundred days to choose who lives. ... "Utterly transportive." Renee Ahdieh, New York Times bestselling author of The Wrath & the Dawn Eighteen-year-old Gu Miyoung has a secret - she’s a gumiho, a nine-tailed fox who must devour the energy of men in order to survive. Because so few believe in the old tales anymore, and with so many evil men no one will miss, the modern city of Seoul is the perfect place to hide and hunt. But after feeding one full moon, Miyoung crosses paths with Jihoon, a human boy, being attacked by a goblin deep in the forest. Against her ... |
Най-продаваната граматика в света за всички, които изучават английски език. Пето издание на граматиката, което включва упражнения с отговори + електронна версия на помагалото. ... Разработено от Реймънд Мърфи и издадено за първи път през 1985 г., English Grammar in Use е популярно издание и до днес. През годините книгата е използвана от милиони хора по света като полезен помощник за изучаването на английската граматика. Петото ѝ издание е с актуализирано съдържание, но запазва простотата, яснотата и лекотата на употреба, които са направили English Grammar in Use толкова популярна сред учащите, а и сред учителите. ... |
A powerful argument for how to succeed in any field: develop broad interests and skills while everyone around you is rushing to specialize. From the "10,000 hours rule" to the power of Tiger parenting, we have been taught that success in any field requires early specialization and many hours of deliberate practice. And, worse, that if you dabble or delay, you'll never catch up with those who got a head start. This is completely wrong. In this landmark book, David Epstein shows you that the way to succeed is by sampling widely, gaining a breadth of experiences, taking detours, experimenting relentlessly, ... |
The Ultimate battle begins on Ravnica. ... Teyo Verada wants nothing more than to be a shieldmage, wielding arcane energies to protect his people from his world's vicious diamondstorms. When he's buried alive in the aftermath of his first real tempest, the young mage's life is about to end before it can truly begin-until it doesn't. In a flash, a power he didn't know he had whisks him away from his home, to a world of stone, glass, and wonder: Ravnica. Teyo is a Planeswalker, one of many to be called to the world-spanning city-all lured by Nicol Bolas, the Elder Dragon. Bolas lays siege to the city of ... |
At the age of six, Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989) wanted to be a cook. At the age of seven, he wanted to be Napoleon. "Since then", he later said, "my ambition has steadily grown, and my megalomania with it. Now I want only to be Salvador Dali, I have no greater wish". Throughout his life, Dali was out to become Dali: that is, one of the most significant artists and eccentrics of the 20th century. This weighty volume is the most complete study of Dali's painted works ever published. After years of research, Robert Descharnes and Gilles Neret located painted works by the master that had been ... |
A new edition of the classic and timely record of refugees and migrants on the move. ... It has been almost a generation since Sebastiao Salgado first published Exodus but the story it tells, of fraught human movement around the globe, has changed little in 16 years. The push and pull factors may shift, the nexus of conflict relocates from Rwanda to Syria, but the people who leave their homes tell the same tale: deprivation, hardship, and glimmers of hope, plotted along a journey of great psychological, as well as physical, toil. Salgado spent six years with migrant peoples, visiting more than 35 countries to document ... |