The №1 International Bestseller. ... Here is a small fact - you are going to die. 1939. Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier. Liesel, a nine-year-old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall. Some important information - this novel is narrated by Death. It's a small story, about: a girl; an accordionist; some fanatical Germans; a Jewish fist fighter; and quite a lot of thievery. ... |
#1 New York Times Bestselling author. ... Of course I want to be like them. They're beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever. And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe. One terrible morning, Jude and her sisters see their parents murdered in front of them. The terrifying assassin abducts all three girls to the world of Faerie, where Jude is installed in the royal court but mocked and tormented by the Faerie royalty for being mortal. As Jude grows older, she realises that ... |
"I have heard that for mortals, the feeling of falling in love is very like the feeling of fear." Jude has tricked Cardan onto the throne, binding him to her for a year and a day. But the new High King does everything in his power to humiliate and undermine her, even as his fascination with her remains undimmed. Meanwhile, a traitor in the court is scheming against her. Jude must fight for her life and the lives of those she loves, all while battling her own complicated feelings for Cardan. Now a year and a day seems like no time at all... An intoxicating and bloodthirsty sequel to the New York Times ... |
The intoxicating and bloodthirsty finale to the New York Times bestselling "The Cruel Prince", nominated for the CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2019, and New York Times bestseller "The Wicked King". After being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watching reality television, and doing odd jobs, including squaring up to a cannibalistic faerie. When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking a favour, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, ... |
"The Book Of Souls" е шестнайсетият студиен албум на британска хеви метъл група "Iron Maiden". Записан е в "Guillame Tell Studios" в Париж с дългогодишния им продуцент Кевин Шърли. Групата е откривала някои от основните музикални събития като Озфест (Ozzfest), Монстърс ъф рок (Mosters of Rock), Рок в Рио (Rock in Rio) и Даунлоуд фестивал (Download Festival). Към албума има и книжка с всички песни и техните текстове. ... |
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author. ... Of course I want to be like them. They're beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever. And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe. One terrible morning, Jude and her sisters see their parents murdered in front of them. The terrifying assassin abducts all three girls to the world of Faerie, where Jude is installed in the royal court but mocked and tormented by the Faerie royalty for being mortal. As Jude grows older, she realises that ... |
Тази колекция от изпълнения на живо се състои от 15 песни записани по време на турнето "The Book Of Souls World Tour", което покри 39 страни в 6 континента през 2016 и 2017 г. и беше гледано от над 2 милиона човека. Продуциран от Тони Нютън и основателя и басист на "Iron Maiden" Стийв Харис, албумът се базира на тазгодишния сетлист и запис на емблематичното шоу, включително шест песни от "The Book Of Souls", последния студиен албум на бандата, заедно с много други класики и любими на феновете песни. Стийв коментира: "Прекарахме ужасно много време в работа над това, тъй като исках да се ... |
It is with pleasure that I write a preface to the English version of this book, "The Black Sea, the Flood and Ancient Myths" It was originally written in Bulgarian by the distinguished father and son team of oceanographers, Petko and Dimitar Dimovi, and it is a major geologic past. ... |
Excavations 2005 - 2018. ... The graves presented in the book are part of an Eneolithic necropolis located in the Black Sea region of Thrace. So far, this is the first and only necropolis south of the Balkan mountains that can be linked to the first population to use copper metallurgy in the Balkans. Its exploration is not complete. These are the results of eight seasons of excavating: in total 37 graves from the Early and Late Eneolithic. Although the investigation is ongoing, we decided to publish the information collected thus far, because it is of interest with its new and practically unique data on the funeral rites ... |
"Черна книга на застрашените видове" е тематична книга на поета Владимир Левчев, илюстрирана с гравюри на Стоимен Стоилов. Много от застрашените видове на Левчев са се появявали за първи път на английски в две от неговите стихосбирки, издадени в САЩ. Най-новата от тях, "The Refugee" ("Невъзвръщенец") ще бъде също представена. Владимир Левчев е роден на 17 октомври 1957 г. в София. Завършва английска езикова гимназия (1976) и изкуствознание в Художествената академия в София (1982). Бил е редактор в издателство "Народна култура" (1982-1989), издател на забраненото преди 10 ноември ... |
"It is well know to all how much daily problems the Bulgarian people has in these days. However, more dangerous than anything is the tendency to loose identity and national selfconfidence. This is a clearly visible tendency in the inscriptions of foreign languages, mass emigration and the wish for imitation of foreign culture. At other side, the answer to the question, "Why are you ashamed to call youself Bulgarian?" is more than obvious: there is in the present time to be proud of. The above-described situation makes preservation and popularization of Bulgarian History extraordinarily important. If it ... |
After being chased from the home of an upper-class young girl called Ellie, chimney-sweep Tom falls asleep and tumbles into a river. There he is transformed into a "water-baby" and his adventures truly begin. Beneath the surface, he enters a magical world full of strange and wonderful creatures, where he must prove his moral worth in order to earn what he truly desires. One of the most unusual children's books ever written, "The Water-Babies", subtitled "A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby", was originally intended as a satire in support of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, and ... |