Умален модел на военен самолет Curtiss Tomahawk IIB. Оригинално описание: The Tomahawk was used extensively throughout the Second World War. The shark-mouth version in this set is one of the most famous looking aircraft of the period and is great fun to build. ... |
Bulgaria made its first steps as an independent state in the distant 681. It is one of the centuries. Its geographical position on the Balkans, the crossing of roads from and to Europe, Africa and Asia, determined the difficult historical destiny of the Bulgarian, state. The hardest ordeal for the Bulgarians was the annihilation of their state by the Ottoman Empire during the 14 th century. For nearly five centuries Bulgaria did not exist, but the Bulgarians manager to preserve their national identity. During the second half of the 19 th century the Bulgarian state once again appeared on the map of Europe and tried to ... |
Учебното помагало по история и цивилизации е предназначено за учениците от 9. клас на профилираните гимназии с интензивно изучаване на английски език. То е съобразено със спецификата на преподаването на учебните предмети на чужд език в българското училище. Неговите основни предимства са: компетентен превод и редакция, направени от носител на езика, специалист по история и културология; текстовете на темите са намалени по обем и адаптирани спрямо езиковото равнище на учениците; към темите са предложени откъси от писмен исторически източник, подходящи за анализ; въпросите и задачите, съобразени с езиковите умения на ... |
Умален модел на военен кораб HMS Iron Duke, използван от Кралските военноморски сили на Великобритания по време на Първата световна война. За да може да сглобите и залепите този макет, ви е необходимо лепило. Оригинално описание: HMS Iron Duke was a battleship of the Royal Navy, the lead ship of her class, named in honour of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (famous for his victory at the Battle of Waterloo). She served as the flagship of the Grand Fleet during World War I, including at the Battle of Jutland. For the majority of the Great War she was based with the rest of the Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow. She ... |
The Second World War began on 1 September 1939 with the German invasion in Poland and ended in August 1945 with surrender of Japan. That global military conflict involved all of the great powers and most of the world’s nations. There were two opposing alliances: the Allies (USSR, Great Britain, USA etc.) and the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan). Second World War in Europe was fought on three fronts: Eastern, Western and Italian. The most bloody and devastating fights were on the Eastern front. The war ended with the total defeat of the Axis powers. Shortly after the outbreak of the war Hitler's Germany managed ... |
Умален модел на военен самолет - de Havilland Vampire FB.5, използван от Британската кралска военновъздушна флота по време на Втората световна война. За да може да сглобите и залепите този макет, ви е необходимо лепило. Елементите на модела са направени от едноцветна пластмаса. Моделът може да се оцвети с боички. Оригинално описание: The Vampire was the first jet fighter aircraft to enter service with the RAF after the end of the Second World War. More than three thousand aircraft were built. It saw service with many European Air Forces as well as in many Commonwealth Countries. It proved its exceptional flight ... |
The Bomber Mafia is a case study in how dreams go awry. When some shiny new idea drops from the heavens, it does not land softly in our laps. It lands hard, on the ground, and shatters. In the years before the Second World War, in a sleepy air force base in central Alabama, a small group of renegade pilots put forth a radical idea. What if we made bombing so accurate that wars could be fought entirely from the air? What if we could make the brutal clashes between armies on the ground a thing of the past? This book tells the story of what happened when that dream was put to the test. The Bomber Mafia follows the stories ... |
Умален модел на военен самолет - Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I. Дължина на макета: 19.30 cm. За да може да сглобите и залепите този макет, ви е необходимо лепило. Елементите на модела са направени от едноцветна пластмаса. Моделът може да се оцвети с боички. Оригинално описание: The Supermarine Spitfire is regarded by many as the most esthetically designed single seat fighter to appear during the Second World War. It was conceived by the brilliant British designer Reginald J. Mitchell, and first flew on 5 March 1936. It was an advanced, low wing single seat monoplane with a very smooth flush riveted metal skin and a ... |
A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Rollo Martins, a failing novelist, is invited to Vienna by his best friend, Harry Lime. The city he arrives in is unrecognisable - torn apart by the Second World War and shared between the occupying Allies. What’s more, Lime is dead, accusations of racketeering have been laid at his feet, and the circumstances of his demise look suspicious. Determined to uncover the truth, Martins starts asking questions, but soon begins to fear for his own life. Accompanied here by twelve further stories that exhibit the full range of Graham Greene’s masterly storytelling, "The Third Man" ... |
A new edition of the classic and timely record of refugees and migrants on the move. ... It has been almost a generation since Sebastiao Salgado first published Exodus but the story it tells, of fraught human movement around the globe, has changed little in 16 years. The push and pull factors may shift, the nexus of conflict relocates from Rwanda to Syria, but the people who leave their homes tell the same tale: deprivation, hardship, and glimmers of hope, plotted along a journey of great psychological, as well as physical, toil. Salgado spent six years with migrant peoples, visiting more than 35 countries to document ... |
Complete an unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Chas McGill has the second-best collection of war souvenirs in Garmouth, but wants it to be the best. When he stumbles across the wreckage of a downed German bomber, he finds the ultimate trophy - a working machine gun. Hiding his discovery from the local police, Chas recruits his friends and together they build a fortress for their prize. But war is not a game and soon both friendships and loyalties are tested when the gang's actions have dangerous consequences. Robert Westall wrote "The Machine Gunners" for his son, Christopher, based on his ... |
Second, expanded & updated edition. ... This book is for everyone with an interest in Jewish history in Bulgaria and the Balkans, and in the general history of southeastern Europe. It is designed to be a journey through both territory and time, illuminating the sometimes very complex backgrounds while guiding through the topography. Many of the monuments described in it are hard to find and in various stages of disrepair: poignant reminders of a long-disappeared culture, but also pointers to the present and the future. Unless travellers know exactly where they are going and what they are seeking, these landmarks of ... |