Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Dorian Gray is young, arrogant, and devastatingly handsome. Confronted by his beauty in the form of a portrait, and struck by the terrible realization that he will age, Dorian wishes to retain his charms forever and finds his desire granted. He abandons himself to a life of hedonism, vice and murder, yet his face remains unmarked by his evil. But, hidden in his attic, the painting ages and corrupts, and one day Dorian must stand face to face with the man he has become. A perfect depiction of fin-de-siècle decadence, Oscar Wilde's only novel ... |
In this celebrated work, his only novel, Wilde forged a devastating portrait of the effects of evil and debauchery on a young aesthete in late 19 th century England. Combining elements of the Gothic horror novel and decadent French fiction, the book centers on a striking premise: As Dorian Gray sinks into a life of crime and gross sensuality, his body retains perfect youth and vigor while his recently painted portrait grows day by day into a hideous record of evil, which he must keep hidden from the world. For over a century, this mesmerizing tale of horror and suspense has enjoyed wide popularity. It ranks as one of ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Wilde's only novel, first published in 1890, is a brilliantly designed puzzle, intended to tease conventional minds with its exploration of the myriad interrelationships between art, life, and consequence. From its provocative Preface, challenging the reader to believe in 'art for art's sake', to its sensational conclusion, the story self-consciously experiments with the notion of sin as an element of design. Yet Wilde himself underestimated the consequences of his experiment, and its capacity to outrage the Victorian establishment. Its words returned to haunt him in his court appearances in 1895, and he ... |
Based on the story of Oscar Wilde. Retold by Jill Nevile. ... "When we are happy, we are always good", says Lord Henry, "but when we are good, we are not always happy." Lord Henry's lazy, clever words lead the young Dorian Gray into a world where it is better to be beautiful than to be good, a world where anything can be forgiven - even murder - if it can make people laugh at a dinner party. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of the CEFR. Word count: 10.245 ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Widely accepted as Henry James great masterpiece, "The Portrait of a Lady" is a poignant and intense exploration of freedom and identity. This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an introduction by Costa Award-winning author Colm Toibin. Intelligent, beautiful and vivacious, Isabel Archer fascinates and ... |
Oscar Wildes Dorian Gray ist eine der berühmtesten Figuren der Weltileratur: So staunenswert schön er ist, so unverdorben und naiv ist sein Blick auf die Welt. Verführt durch den geistreichen Zyniker Lord Wotton, stürzt Dorian sich haltlos ins lüsterne Londoner Nachtleben. Ausschweifung und Genuss wecken in ihm den innigen Wunsch nach unvergänglicher Jugend - und auf wundersame Weise altert fortan nicht mehr er selbst, sondern ein Porträt von ihm. Doch Dorians unbedachter Pakt mit dunklen Mächten hat grausame Folgen... ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... James Joyce 's first novel follows the life of Stephen Dedalus, an artistic and fiercely individual young man. Along the way, Stephen learns to negotiate the "snares of the world", to avoid the pitfalls of his dysfunctional family, his terrifying and repressive boarding school, and the various beautiful young ladies who capture his heart. "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is an unforgettable depiction of childhood and adolescence, as well as a lyrical evocation of life in Ireland over a century ago. It shocked readers on its ... |
Изберете от богата гама цветове тениски от колекцията Kids Valueweight на Fruit of the Loom. ... Детската тениска Fruit of the Loom е подходяща за деца на възраст от 3 до 14-15 години. Изработена е от 97% памук и 3% полиестер, с технологията Belcoro®, която придава мекота, здравина и устойчивост на тъканите при носене и често пране. Идеална е за деца, които обичат игрите и спортните занимания. Характеристики на тениската Kids Valueweight: плътност на трикото: 165 g/m² безшевна, лека и удобна за носене с класическа кройка деколте с двойна оплетка подходяща за момичета и момчета Избор на подходящия ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Controversial and sexually charged, The Taming of the Shrew is possibly William Shakespeare's first play, and certainly among the most performed. Petruchio's courtship of the unwilling shrew Katherina poses the question: is it an examination of brute male domination or a passionate love story with a powerful moral message? To read it is to gain unique insight into a portrait of a marriage as created by a true master. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition is illustrated throughout by renowned artist Sir John Gilbert (1817 - 1897), and ... |
Изберете от богата гама цветове тениски от колекцията Original на Fruit of the Loom. ... Мъжката тениска Fruit of the Loom е подходяща за ученици в тийнейджърска възраст. Изработена е от 97% памук и 3% еластан, с технологията Belcoro®, която придава мекота, здравина и устойчивост на тъканите при носене и често пране. Чудесен избор за ежедневието и любимите спортни занимания. Характеристики на тениската Original: плътност на трикото: 145 g/m² безшевна, лека и удобна за носене с класическа кройка деколте с двойна оплетка лесно откъсващ се етикет подходяща за момчета Избор на подходящия размер: ... |
Изберете от богата гама цветове тениски от колекцията Lady Fit Original на Fruit of the Loom. ... Дамската тениска Fruit of the Loom е подходяща за момичета в тийнейджърска възраст. Изработена е от 97% памук и 3% полиестер, с технологията Belcoro®, която придава мекота, здравина и устойчивост на тъканите при носене и често пране. Чудесен избор за ежедневието и любимите спортни занимания. Характеристики на тениската Original: плътност на трикото: 145 g/m² безшевна, лека и удобна за носене с дамска вталена кройка деколте с двойна оплетка лесно откъсващ се етикет подходяща за момичета Избор на ... |
"Зад всяко красиво нещо на този свят има нещо трагично." Младият Дориан Грей пристига в Лондон и със своята красота, остроумие и чар бързо печели симпатиите на обществото. Под крилото на лорд Хенри Уотън, известен хедонист и бонвиван, младият мъж се превръща в светски лъв. Но Дориан знае, че красотата е нетрайна и с нея ще си отидат и облагите, на които се радва като любимец на всички. Когато художникът Базил Холуърд завършва портрета на Дориан, младият мъж е толкова възхитен, че е готов да продаде душата си, за да запази завинаги младостта и красотата си, а старостта и житейските неволи да остави на образа ... |