Една от най-успешните скандинавски поп рок групи "Roxette" ще зарадва феновете си отново. Невероятното дуо, състоящо се от Мари Фредриксон и Пер Гесле, вече 30 години създава мелодични парчета с неустоими припеви. След като са продали над 80 милиона албума в цял свят и имат 4 номер едно хита в Щатите, сега идва ред на още едно великолепно издание на творчеството им. "The 30 Biggest Hits XXX" е ярък пример защо "Roxette" е една от най-успешните банди на 80-те и 90-те години и включва вечни класики като "The Look", "It Must Have Been Love", "Listen to Your Heart", & ... |
"The Silver Citadel. From up here, this symbol of our power appears eternal. But it's an illusion, nothing more. Fire is sweeping through Celonia. And if we do nothing, I fear Solanum too will burn." Из книгата Aderyn took the throne in a bid to avert civil war. But three months on, her grip on the crown is as precarious as ever. Fears are growing that the flightless of Solanum will be the next to rise up, and enemies old and new soon threaten Aderyn's rule and the lives of those she loves. Staking everything on a final attempt to save her nation, Aderyn must fly to uncharted territories and forge ... |
Съставител: Александър Маринов. ... Доклади от Втора годишна конференция по публична администрация СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", април 2018 г. ... |
"What I wanted was to be one with her, with nothing coming between us." You've just passed someone on the street who could be the love of your life, the person you're destined for - what do you do? In Murakami's world, you tell them a story. The five weird and wonderful tales collected here each unlock the many-tongued language of desire, whether it takes the form of hunger, lust, sudden infatuation or the secret longings of the heart. Translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin, Ted Goosen and Philip Gabriel. ... |
A new perspective on the overused and misunderstood concept of "karma" that offers the key to happiness and enlightenment, from the world-renowned spiritual master Sadhguru. What is karma? Most people understand karma as a balance sheet of good and bad deeds, virtues and sins. The mechanism that decrees that we cannot evade the consequences of our own actions. In reality, karma has nothing to do with reward and punishment. Karma simply means action: your action, your responsibility. It isn't some external system of crime and punishment, but an internal cycle generated by you. Accumulation of karma is ... |
Based on the story of Frances Hodgson Burnett. Retold by Clare West. ... Little Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered, disagreeable child. When her parents die in India, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle in a big, lonely, old house. There is nothing to do all day except walk in the gardens - and watch the robin flying over the high walls of the Secret garden... which has been locked for ten years. And no one has the key. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of the CEFR. Word count: 10.715 ... |
Uncover the sidesplitting life of cucumber scaredy-cats, non-stop pooping hamsters, exploding fish and everything in-between (and some things that have nothing to do with pets but are still ridiculously funny). This hilarious book answers all the big questions, like: do sausage dogs eat sausages? Why has my cat done a poo behind my wardrobe? And how can I persuade my parents to get me a pet? For real-life pet facts, imaginary stories, and a generally laugh-so-hard-snot-comes-out-your-nose read, this is the only pet book you'll ever need! Written by the outstanding children's comedian James Campbell, prepare ... |
Изданието е многоезично - на български език, английски език, немски език, френски език и италиански език. ... "Тези жени с благородна и стройна фигура съчетават красотата със здраве и жизненост. Ces femmes à la figure noble et régulière, joignant à la beauté la santé et la vigueur." L'Illustration, 1859 "Винаги съм се възхищавала на българските жени, но никога толкова много както бе в Банкя, където нямаше какво друго да правя освен да седя замечтано и да зяпам по другите в банята. Те са красив тип женственост, с тяхната кожа с цвят на слонова кост и техните големи, кафяви ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. Illustrated by John Gilbert. ... Comedy and tragedy intertwine when two very different couples fall in and out of love in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features illustrations by renowned artist Sir John Gilbert and an introduction from Professor Tiffany Stern. Whilst Beatrice and Benedick both despise love, exchanging ... |
Най-продаваната граматика в света за всички, които изучават английски език. Пето издание на граматиката, което включва упражнения с отговори + електронна версия на помагалото. ... Разработено от Реймънд Мърфи и издадено за първи път през 1985 г., English Grammar in Use е популярно издание и до днес. През годините книгата е използвана от милиони хора по света като полезен помощник за изучаването на английската граматика. Петото ѝ издание е с актуализирано съдържание, но запазва простотата, яснотата и лекотата на употреба, които са направили English Grammar in Use толкова популярна сред учащите, а и сред учителите. ... |