With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |
With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |
With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |
With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the whole school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |
With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |
With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |
With its fresh and fun approach to global real-world topics, Game Changer is designed to help teachers prepare stimulating and easy-to-teach lessons that will ensure lower secondary teenage students are motivated and engaged throughout the school year. Cross-cultural reading topics, in-context language presentations, scaffolded speaking and writing tasks, opportunities to develop competencies such as learner autonomy, critical thinking and creative thinking are guaranteed to develop learners' global awareness and encourage a learning mindset. The latest digital resources are all in one place on Cambridge One. ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Лесен начин за подобряване на Вашия разговорен английски. ... "Easy Learning: Разговорен английски - част 2" е полезен наръчник за общуване на английски език. Разработено въз основа на фразите и лексиката, поместени в "Easy Learning: Разговорен английски - част 1", настоящата втора част е подходяща за учащите с нива на знания А2 - B1 и с желание да се научат уверено да водят разговори в ежедневни ситуации - от общуването по време на работа до разговори, когато пътуват или учат. Тя е структурирана по сходен начин с първата част, но надгражда вече усвоеното знание. В процеса на обучение се научават ... |
Учебника подготвя за изпита "First Certificate in English". ... "Complete First for Schools" is the most thorough preparation for B2 "First for Schools". Complete is trusted by millions of candidates worldwide. This course allows you to maximise students' performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training. It creates a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Students are able to build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance, and the ... |
Academic Vocabulary in Use Second Edition is the perfect study aid for anyone using English for their academic work. Ideal for students of any discipline, this second edition has been updated to reflect changes in education, technology and communications, includes a selection of new reading passages, and is now in full colour. 50 easy-to-use, two-page units give clear explanations of new vocabulary, along with a variety of practice exercises. A comprehensive answer key, and phonemic transcriptions to help with pronunciation, make it perfect for self-study as well as for use in the classroom. This book is designed for ... |
Комплектът от Learning Resources е подходящ за деца над 3-годишна възраст. Той се състои от красиво илюстрирани храни от пет основни групи. Комплектът съдържа 34 магнитни елемента, с които децата да играят, подложка за меню, както и предложения за различни дейности и активности. Магнитните части са с размери 42 x 30.5 cm. ... |
Дробните окръжности от Learning Resources са подходящи за деца в 5.клас. С тяхна помощ те ще се научат да пресмятат и разпознават дробите за отрицателно време. Като родители и вие ще можете да се включите с тях в играта, като ги напътствате. Комплектът се състои от пропорционално оразмерени парчета, представляващи цяло, половинки, третини, четвъртини, пет, шест, осем, десет и дванадесет части в 9 различни цвята, с шаблон върху всяко парче. Диаметърът на кутията е 8.7 cm. ... |