Letters from the world's favourite bear. Illustrated by Peggy Fortnum and R. W. Alley. ... "Dear Aunt Lucy, I expect this will come as a great surprise to you, but not only have I arrived in England, but I have an address! I’m staying at number 32 Windsor Gardens and it isn’t at all like the Home for Retired Bears." This delightfully engaging series of letters from Paddington to his Aunt Lucy in Peru, follows his new experiences in London while showcasing his uniquely charming and hilarious take on the world. From stowing away on a ship, to working as a barber, there is certainly never a dull moment! ... |
Icon painting in Bulgaria is closely connected with the historical destiny of the Bulgarian people and with Christianity adopted in 865 as official state religion. That was the time of the emergence of a new pictorial system, interpreted and evolved on the basis of a rich ancient artistic heritage of the Graeco-Roman and Thracian cultures, but subordinated to the traditions and lifestyle of the proto-Bulgarian and Slavonic tribes, a fact which makes it so original. The ceramic icons made in the late 9th and early 10th century in Preslav, the capital of the First Bulgarian state and the surrounding monasteries reveal the ... |
"Казвам се Саад Саад, което на арабски означава Надежда Надежда, а на английски Тъжен Тъжен."Саад иска да напусне Багдад и хаоса в него и да стигне до Европа, до свободата и бъдещето. Но как да прекоси границите без нито един динар в джоба? Как, като Одисей, да се опълчи срещу бурите, да оцелее в крушенията, да избяга от търговците на опиум, да пренебрегне песните на Сирените, превърнали се в рокаджийки, да се измъкне от жестокостта на един надзирател-циклоп или да изтръгне от любовната магия на една сицилианска Калипсо? ... |
This summer, Reese Camden is trading sweet tea and Southern hospitality for cold brew and crisp coastal air. She's landed her dream marketing internship at Friends of Flavor, a wildly popular cooking channel in Seattle. The only problem? Benny Beneventi, the relentlessly charming, backwards-baseball-cap-wearing culinary intern and her main competition for the fall job. Reese's plan to keep work a No Feelings Zone crumbles like a day-old muffin when she and Benny are thrown together for a video shoot that goes viral, making them the internet's newest ship. Audiences are hungry for more, and their bosses at ... |
The Enriched Collection. ... Myths & Legends from Bulgaria. The Enriched Collection е книга, която ви кани да се гмурнете надълбоко в далечни незапомнени времена и в истории, които са пропътували огромно разстояние през вековете, за да достигнат до нас. Сборникът съдържа седемдесет и шест митове и легенди от всички кътчета на страната, обхващайки период от неясната античност до обичаите и поверията, оцелели до наши дни. Историите в книгата са подбрани от разнообразни източници, както български, така и чужди. Авторката се е опитала да ги раздели на четири части - Митове от древния свят, Легенди за създаването на света, ... |
Folk Tales From Italy е английски превод на едноименния сборник на български език, издаден от ИК Виа Летера през 2017 г. Книгата излиза едновременно като печатно и електронно издание. Съдържа двадесет и три популярни истории и легенди от всички краища на Италия. Необятното народно творчество на Италия ще ви преведе през света на всекидневието до света на вълшебното, от странните превъплъщения на приказните герои до жилавото остроумие на обикновените хора. Книгата съдържа три раздела - Народна мъдрост, Вълшебни приказки и Басни с животни. Всички заедно разкриват дълбоката връзка на човека с природата, учат ни да бъдем ... |
Discover how a cosmic perspective can change everything. Why are we here? What gives us hope? How do we know? 101 exchanges with the most influential scientist on the planet."The most popular scientist in the world". Sunday Times "Don't fear change. Don't fear failure. The only thing to fear is loss of ambition. But if you've got plenty of that, then you have nothing to fear at all." Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson is arguably the most influential, acclaimed scientist on the planet. As director of the Hayden Planetarium, and host of Cosmos and StarTalk, he has dedicated his life ... |
"Far from the Danube" is the story of an extraordinary woman who rescued a heavily wounded knight from a battlefield in northern Bulgaria and managed to return him to a less than grateful family in Normandy, just as the Hundred Years War was about to start. Set against the national and religious conflicts of the early 15th century this is a powerful account of a hazardous journey into exile and of a love between Maria Iskra and Gilles Guiton that flew in the face of contemporary mores, given that as a knight of St John, Gilles had taken a vow of chastity. Based on a recorded meeting between English King Henry V ... |
This heartwarming storybook introduces wild animals as endearing characters in their natural forest homes. Meet a sloth who loves to tell stories, a chameleon who wishes he was like the other animals, an owl who's very bossy, a deer who loves solving mysteries, and a frog who overcomes her timidness. Children will love the stories with their simple messages, and illustrations that will hold them spellbound. ... |
A reading of Hegel 's "Philosophy of Right". ... "From Logic to Politics" is a study of a promise: the promise of philosophy as universal science that could comprehend, connect and guide, and of politics made transparent for thinking. Hegel's "Philosophy of Right" is built on that promise, and set on the goal of grasping its time and providing the ground of modern politics int he idea of right. The fulfilment of this task is made possible in the light of the first, fundamental science, which for Hegel, has to replace metaphysics the "Science of Logic". This is, therefore, a ... |
Opposites attract in this wickedly charming rom-com by Lana Harper, New York Times bestselling author of Payback's a Witch. Wild child Isidora Avramov is a thrill chaser, adept demon summoner, and despite the whole sexy-evil-sorceress vibe also a cuddly animal lover. When she's not designing costumes and new storylines for the Arcane Emporium's haunted house, Issa's nursing a secret, conflicted dream of ditching her family's witchy business to become an indie fashion designer in her own right. But when someone starts sabotaging the celebrations leading up to this year's Beltane festival with ... |
Насоките на Ян Фабър за изпълнителя на XXI век. ... Книгата представлява наръчник за изпълнители, базиран на широкия опит на известния театрален творец и хореограф. Насоките хвърлят нова светлина върху физическата, менталната и вокалната подготовка на изпълнителя и в същото време дават поглед върху революционното мислене на Ян Фабър за съвременния театър."В книгата е събрана голяма част от мъдростта на Фабър, доколкото тя може да бъде синтезирана с думи и разпространена по-нататък като прозрения, упражнения и импровизации. На 60-годишна възраст той е майстор на театъра, на преформанса." Ричард Шехнер ... |