Наоми не просто е избягала от сватбата си. Тя е дошла на помощ на своята близначка в малкото градче Нокъмаут, където жителите уреждат споровете си по старомодния начин - с юмруци и бира. Обикновено в тази последователност. Но за нещастие, безотговорната ѝ близначка Тина изобщо не се е променила и изчезва без предупреждение, задигайки вещите ѝ. Наоми се оказва без пари, кола и работа в непознатото градче, но за сметка на това се сдобива с нещо неочаквано - с грижата за единайсетгодишна племенница, за чието съществуване дори не е подозирала. Нокс е лошото момче на Нокъмаут и предпочита живота си точно както ... |
Възползвайте се от силата на HTML5 и CSS3, за да изграждате функциониращи и страхотно изглеждащи уеб сайтове: научете сложни техники с HTML5 и CSS3; създавайте анимирани елементи на дизайна; изграждайте страници в стил приложения, подходящи за мобилни устройства; проектирайте със CSS градиенти. Научете как: да проектирате и разработвате за мрежата, като използвате HTML5 и CSS3; да използвате цяла палитра от инструменти и функции за изграждане на уеб сайтове; да извличате максималното от HTML5 и CSS3 като форма и функция. Дейвид Карлинс е уеб дизайнер и автор или съавтор на повече от 40 книги за графичен и ... |
Специалистите от Yves Rocher ви предлагат успокояващ дегримьор и тоник 2 в 1. Той ефикасно премахва грима и замърсяванията от кожата, като едновременно с това я тонизира. Грижовната формула запазва естественото pH на кожата. Меката текстура се "топи" върху нея, оставяйки я чиста и сияйна. Дегримьорът Yves Rocher е подходящ за нуждите на чувствителната кожа. Формулата на дегримьора съдържа 99% съставки от естествен произход*. Тя е обогатена с био екстракт от лайка, който успокоява** и защитава** кожата. Той притежава още противовъзпалителни, антисептични, тонизиращи и регенериращи свойства. Дегримьорът Yves ... |
Broke young man + chainsaw dog demon = Chainsaw Man! Denji was a small-time devil hunter just trying to survive a harsh world. After being killed on a job, Denji is revived by his pet devil-dog Pochita and becomes something new and dangerous-Chainsaw Man! As Quanxi and the members of the Special Division battle it out over Denji, the mysterious Santa Claus makes his move. But things are not as they appear, and nobody will be prepared for the darkness and despair about to be unleashed! ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... These twelve magical tales tell, among other things, how the camel got his hump; the leopard his spots; the elephant his trunk; how the alphabet was made; and how a butterfly caused mayhem at the court of King Solomon. Rightfully considered one of the enduring classics of children's literature, "Just So Stories" is an enchanting collection that still delights and illuminates over a century after it was first published. Beautifully illustrated throughout by Kipling himself, this "Macmillan Collector's Library" edition also ... |
From the bestselling author of "Eleanor and Park". If you got a second chance at love, would you make the same call? ... What advice would you give the younger you... and would you listen? As far as time machines go, a magic telephone is pretty useless. TV writer Georgie McCool can't actually visit the past; all she can do is this a chance to make things right with her husband, Neal? Maybe she can fix the things in their past that seem unfixable in the present. Maybe this stupid phone is giving her a chance to start over... if that's what she wants... A heart - wrenching - and hilarious - take on fate, ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features a specially commissioned translation by Ros and Chloe Schwarz, as well as the charming original black and white illustrations by Saint-Exupery himself. After crash-landing in the Sahara Desert, a pilot encounters a little ... |
What if love landed on your doorstep... and handed you the keys? After getting passed over for an overdue and much needed promotion, Sadie Green is in desperate need of three things: a stiff drink, a new place to live, and a one-night stand. But when an accidental mix-up lands her on the doorstep of Jack Thomas's gorgeous Brooklyn brownstone, it's too bad Sadie is more attracted to the impressive real estate than she is to the man himself. Jack, still grieving the unexpected death of his parents, has learned to find comfort in video games and movie marathons instead of friends. So while he doesn't know just ... |
What if we could improve our ability to predict the future? Everything we do involves forecasts about how the future will unfold. Whether buying a new house or changing job, designing a new product or getting married, our decisions are governed by implicit predictions of how things are likely to turn out. The problem is, we're not very good at it. In a landmark, twenty-year study, Wharton professor Philip Tetlock showed that the average expert was only slightly better at predicting the future than a layperson using random guesswork. Tetlock's latest project - an unprecedented, government-funded forecasting ... |
The "New York Times" bestseller. ... "Google" executive chairman and ex-CEO Eric Schmidt and former SVP of products Jonathan Rosenberg came to "Google" over a decade ago as proven technology executives. At the time, the company was already well-known for doing things differently, reflecting the visionary and frequently contrarian principles of founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. If Eric and Jonathan were going to succeed, they realized they would have to relearn everything they thought they knew about management and business. Today, "Google" is a global icon that regularly pushes ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... One of Charles Dickens's most renowned and enjoyable novels, Great Expectations tells the story of Pip, an orphan boy who wishes to transcend his humble origins and finds himself unexpectedly given the opportunity to live a life of wealth and respectability. Over the course of the tale, in which Pip encounters such famous characters as Miss Havisham, Herbert Pocket and Joe Gargery, he comes to realize that his money is tainted and the girl he loves will not return his affections; happiness must be found in the things he gave up in pursuit of a more ... |