Тази четка за зъби на "Colgate" е с уникален дизайн и е предназначена за децата от 3 до 5 годишна възраст. Тя разполага с малка четкаща глава и изключително меки влакънца, които са нежни към детските зъби и венци. Ергономичната дръжка е със специално покритие в средната част, което позволява здраво захващане и предотвратява изплъзване от детските ръчички. Четката е със забавна илюстрация, която прави миенето на зъбките още по-приятно. По този начин децата лесно ще изградят така важния навик за редовна устна хигиена. Специалната вакуумна приставка, позволява лесно поставяне върху гладки повърхности. ... |
Хауер е австрийски музикант, композитор и теоретик, чийто творчески път започва в зората на ХХ в. под влиянието на импресионизма. От 10-те години на столетието той е идейно-естетически обвързан с додекафонията - композиционна система, създадена от австриеца Арнолд Шьонберг. Пиесите в компактдиска представят еволюцията на стила на Хауер - като се започне с “Номос” оп. 2 и се стигне до писаните в последното десетилетие от живота му пиеси с наименованието “Игра с дванайсет тона”. Пианистката Анна Петрова подчертава и характера на композиционното писмо на Хауер, и неговото майсторство в “играта” на мотивите-серии, в ... |
Twenty four more remarkable short stories await you in this book - stories that you will never forget, or remember for a long time. Their secret is that each of them touches a string in your heart. Mythological or realistic, classical or modern, these tales will emerge unexpectedly in your mind to experience them again. Some of them will summon smiles, some will bring tears to your eyes, and others will make you want to be in love again. ... |
It is winter. It is raining and Tom is bored. He hates working in the library. He wants to be an artist and a photographer. But he failed his exams. So he can't go to art college. Then door of the library opens ans a girl walks in. A beautiful girl in a red coat. She smiles at him - and Tom falls in love. This book is in British English and here you can find a story, points for understanding comprehension questions. Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at www.macmillanreaders.com. ... |
600+ jokes, riddles and questions for enjoyable conversations with kids. Unlock the heart and mind of today's kids aged 5 to 13. A guidebook full with more than 600 interesting jokes, riddles and questions. Small paths that lead imperceptibly to a good time. Time, whem children and parents spend time together, chat calmly, laugh, make up unbelievable stories, talk about serious incidents, create happy memories. Time, fulfilled with smiles, curious eyes and children's laughter. Time, which charges the adults and switches them off the stress, tiredness and problems. Time, which makes children confident, interesting, ... |
Based on the story of Desmond Bagley. Retold by Ralph Mowat. ... On a beautiful summer evening in the quiet town of Marlow, a young woman is walking home from church. She passes a man who is looking at the engine of his car. He turns round, smiles at her... and throws acid into her face. Then her father, the scientist George Ashton, disappears. And her sister, Penny, discovers that her husband-to-be, Malcolm, is a government agent. Why has Ashton disappeared, and why is Malcolm told to hunt for him? Who is George Ashton, anyway? And who is the enemy? Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary ... |
They say that the eyes feed first, then the body follows."The idea behind this book started in the land of smiles - Thailand. The specific aroma of Asian cuisine embraces everyone who sets foot in this land. This fragrance lingers in the mind, enriching the memories associated with the exotic. One of the festivals celebrated there, which is deeply connected to the story of this book, is the festival of the floating lanterns. Its preparation begins with the crafting of small boats made out of banana leaves in the shape of lotus flowers, lavishly adorned with petals and candles, before being set afloat in flowing water ... |