"Solid building materials and elements such as building facade components have not only architectural-structural functions, but they are to be guards against environmental attacks on the thermal and moisture comfort of inhabited premises: if necessary, impacts should be let through; or they should be reflected or accumulated. However, the facade structural elements undergo the following impacts: solar radiation; wind load; variation of the outdoor air temperature; effects of neighbouring buildings; effects of the environmental landscape; reflection or accumulation of solar radiation followed by secondary ... |
This book was initially planned as a record of a series of lectures to my first classes of Bulgarian Philology, English Philology and Applied Linguistics, and Public Relations undergraduate and graduate students at the South West University of Bulgaria where, back in the early 1990s, we were to lay the foundations of an academic tradition in a fast changing world. It was meant as a record of the fast restructuring of our minds and attitudes in time of economic and sociopolitical transition and cultural transcendence, seen from a changing Bulgarian perspective where the world came upon our horizon English-speaking. The ... |
Курсът е разработен за специалисти и студенти по маркетинг. 50 урока осигуряват цялата информация за основите на маркетинга, проучвания, реклама, медии и PR, а фокусът върху истински компании дава разнообразие от оригинални текстове. Учебната система "Professional English in Use" съдържа помагалата: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
40th Anniversary Edition. ... Antoni Gaudi merged Orientalism, natural forms, and new materials into a Modernista aesthetic that made Barcelona a mecca for architecture fans. With new photography, plans, Gaudi's drawings, and a complete appendix of his works including unfinished projects, this book takes us into the proud Catalonian's unique worldview. Freedom of form with the Dante of architecture. The life of Antoni Gaudi (1852 - 1926) was full of complexity and contradictions. As a young man he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life he devoted ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Fifteen-year-old Sam is not a famous vlogger, he's never gone viral, and he doesn't want to be the Next Big Thing. In fact he's ordinary and proud of it. None of which was a problem until Dad got rich and Mum made the whole family move to London. Now Sam's off to the North London Academy for the Gifted and Talented, where everyone's busy planning Hollywood domination or starting alt-metal psychedelica crossover bands. Sam knows he'll never belong, even if he wanted to. And that's before he ends up on stage wearing nothing but a fur onesie. A brilliantly funny look at fitting in, falling out ... |
Конструкторът е част от серията LEGO - Super heroes: Marvel, където ще откриете още комплекти на любими герои. ... Конструкторът на LEGO ще зарадва малчуганите. Той се състои от 347 части, с които може да се сглоби Левиатан, който разполага с прозрачни стойки. Чрез тях може да се закрепи и изглежда като че лети. Той има 6 подвижни перки, отваряща се уста, подвижна глава и 2 стрелци. В комплекта са включени мини фигурки на Хълк, Капитан Америка, Черната вдовица, Локи и Читаури. Героите са придружени от аксесоари като Капитан Америка е с неговия щит, Черната вдовица разполага с оръжие, Локи с пелерина и шлем, а воин ... |
Тествайте логическото си мислене с играта Matrix от SmartGames! Тя е подходяща за деца над 7-годишна възраст. Състои се от 9 цветни пъзелови парчета и книжка със 120 предизвикателства с различни нива на сложност. Пъзеловите елементи са изработени от пластмаса и са подходящи за активна игра. Вашата задачка ще бъде да си харесате предизвикателство и да се опитате да го разрешите. Изпълнението няма да е особено лесно, тъй като всяко от предизвикателствата има само 1 правилно решение. Готови ли сте да размърдате мозъчните си клетки? Забавлението е гарантирано! Предизвикателствата на играта Matrix можете да разгледате в ... |
Чантата е част от серията "Star Wars", където ще откриете още продукти и аксесоари по темата. ... Чантата "Rule The Galaxy: The First Order" е лека, компактна и удобна за носене. Тя е снабдена с 1 основно отделение и малък преден джоб с цип. Основното отделение се затваря с цип и капак с велкро лента. Чантата разполага с регулируема презрамка. Тя е изработена от текстил и в нея могат да се съхраняват ключове, портмоне и аксесоари. Чантата е с размери 23 / 27 / 8 cm. ... |
"The Catcher in Rye" is the ultimate novel for disaffected youth, but it's relevant to all ages. The story is told by Holden Caulfield, a seventeen-year-old dropout who has just been kicked out of his fourth school. Throughout, Holden dissects the "phony" aspects of society, and the "phonies" themselves: the headmaster whose affability depends on the wealth of the parents, his roommate who scores with girls using sickly-sweet affection. Lazy in style, full of slang and swear words, it's a novel whose interest and appeal comes from its observations rather than its plot intrigues (in ... |
The Sunday Times Bestseller and New York Times Bestseller. A book of hope for uncertain times. Enter the world of Charlie's four unlikely friends, discover their story and their most important life lessons. The conversations of the boy, the mole, the fox and the horse have been shared thousands of times online, recreated in school art classes, hung on hospital walls and turned into tattoos. In Charlie's first book, you will find his most-loved illustrations and some new ones too."The World that I am required to inhabit is this one. But the world that I long to inhabit is the one that Charlie Mackesy has ... |
Video Game Compendium. Based on a series of Polish novels extremely popular in Eastern Europe, The Witcher games have sold more then 5.5 million copies and collectively won over 250 awards worldwide. There are currently two games available across multiple platforms, and a third is slated for release in 2014. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be released in 2014 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Dark Horse is introducing a new series of graphic novels chronicling the adventures of Geralt, a witcher, one of the few remaining monster hunters. Dive deep into the world of monster hunters, as the prominent characters from the universe ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10.5 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the most celebrated works of classic literature for children, "The Wind in the Willows" follows Mole, Rat, Toad and Badger from one adventure to the next - in gipsy caravans and stolen cars, to prison and back to the Wild Wood. A story of animal cunning and human camaraderie, this remains a timeless tale more than 100 years after its publication. This edition contains all of the sixteen colour illustrations that Arthur Rackham produced for this book; most editions contain only twelve. In addition to this, Rackham's beautiful pen-and- ... |