This beautiful gift book presents a host of classic tales, carefully retold to appeal to young readers. Bright, colourful illustrations are packed with charm and detail to capture the imaginations of younger children. Stories include Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Elves and the Shoemaker and many more. The cover has been designed using a wealth of special effects. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Compiled by: Tig Thomas. ... "Illustrated Treasury of Bedtime Stories" is a beautiful hardback book for children aged 7+ to enjoy timeless short stories by renowned storytellers such as Rudyard Kipling. Each story has been chosen as perfect for bedtime reading, to allow your child to enter an exciting dream world while they are calm and open to storytelling. Take a trip to a magical land, where bold boys and brave girls join a host of curious creatures, and where dreams really do come true. "Illustrated Treasury of Bedtime Stories": Enchanting stories you and your child to read and enjoy together; ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Bright, colourful illustrations are packed with charm and detail that will capture the imagination. Stories included are How the Camel Got His Hump, The Ugly Duckling, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Three Little Pigs and The Elephant's Child. The cover has been designed using a wealth of special effects. Beautiful gift book with stunning cover effects, contains five brightly illustrated stories and perfect for bedtime story-telling. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Contains 25 stories. ... Get ready for broomstick rides and bubbling cauldrons in these magical short stories from a much-loved storyteller. This bumper collection of 25 short stories is populated by every sort of magical and mysterious creature, from a grumpy wizard who is outwitted by an elf to pixie who rides on a rabbit. The stories are the perfect length for reading aloud in a classroom or at bedtime. With lots of humour and fantastic characters, these will appeal to newly confident readers to read alone as well as to younger children being read to. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Contains 25 stories. ... Set off on an outdoor adventure with this collection of 25 classic tales by the world's best-loved storyteller. The perfect holiday read for children. From stolen dogs and disappearing necklaces to journeys to faraway lands, these fun-filled stories are packed full of mystery and adventure. Ideal for newly confident readers, these entertaining tales are the ideal length for reading aloud at bedtime or in the classroom. ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Get ready to meet some hair-raisingly horrid children in these 30 classic stories from Enid Blyton. Perfect for children aged 5 and up! From temper tantrums and telling tales to bickering and boasting, these bratty boys and ghastly girls are up to no good! Read on if you dare... Ranging from the light-hearted to the deliciously dark, these cautionary tales will delight young readers as much today when they first appeared in the mid-twentieth century. This collection is inspired by Enid Blyton's A Book of Naughty Children, first published in 1944. Ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Illustrator: Laura Watson. ... "Just So Stories: The Elephant's Child" picture book is a fantastically illustrated, simple retelling of this classic story for children aged 3+. It's a fantastic large format picture book, with stunning illustrations by Laura Watson to bring amazing events to life in kids' imaginations. Children will love the story of how the inquisitive elephant develops a trunk after an encounter with a crocodile. "Just So Stories: The Elephant's Child": Perfect for bedtime reading with parents; Delightful, full-page artwork full of detail and charm; The story has ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Illustrator: Claudia Ranucci. ... "Just So Stories: How the Whale got his Throat" picture book is a fantastically illustrated, simple retelling of this classic story for children aged 3+. It's a fantastic large format picture book, with beautiful illustrations by Claudia Ranucci to bring magical events to life in kids' imaginations. Children will love the story of how a greedy whale was forced to change his ways by a clever sailor. "Just So Stories: How the Whale got his Throat": Perfect for bedtime reading with parents; Delightful, full-page artwork full of detail and charm; The story has ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Illustrator: Daron Parton. ... "Just So Stories: How the Rhinoceros got his Skin" picture book is a charmingly illustrated, simple retelling of this classic story for children aged 3+. This is a fantastic large format picture book, with stunning illustrations by Daron Parton to bring wonderful events to life in kids' imaginations. Children will love the story of how a greedy rhino gets taught a lesson he will never forget after he eats all the cake. "Just So Stories: How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin": perfect for bedtime reading with parents; delightful, full-page artwork full of detail and ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
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50 опасни и трудни приключенски загадки. Когато слънцето безмилостно пече, питейната вода бавно намалява, а пакет ви удари, докато около вас обикалят гладни хиени - тогава е време за действия! За тези, които търсят истински приключения! Картите "Adventure stories" ще ви изпотят, ще ви затруднят, но и определено ще ви забавляват. Освен това ще научите много нови неща. Играта "Adventure stories" e ново попълнение към серията "Black Stories Junio". Тя е подходяща за деца над 8-годишна възраст и в нея могат да участват повече от 2 -ма играчи. Задачата ви е с въпроси, догадки, размишления и ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Чрез въпроси, догадки и главоблъсканици ще откриете тайната и ще внесете светлина в мрака! ... "Red Stories" от "Simetro books" ще ви пренесе в тайно-опасния свят на детективи, шпиони и следователи. Ще се срещнете с ловки джебчии, алчни мошеници и хитри крадци. В комплекта ще намерите 50 трудни криминални случая, в които ще е необходима вашата изобретателност. Трябва да откриете следите и да ги комбинирате с острия си ум! Правила на играта: "Red Stories" може да се играе с 1 или повече участници. Сам не е толкова забавно, защото имате нужда от някой, който да знае отговора и да отговаря на ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |
Football Stories е част от серията Black Stories Junior, където ще откриете още игри с интересни загадки! ... 50 загадки за светкавично бързи голмайстори. Когато единадесет приятели се втурнат през терена, феновете заподскачат, а жълти и червени картони започнат да се показват - тогава е време за трето полувреме и за нова доза 50 истории - загадки, този път футболни! За всички, които обичат да са с топката и за които чакането до следващия мач е твърде дълго! Футболни истории добре ще ви поизпотят. В тези пощурели по футбола загадки се случват невероятни неща, чиито обрати можете да разкриете само с въпроси, ...![](/b-images/quad-transp.gif) |