Inspiration for "The Kissing booth 2" on Netflix. ... The amazing new sequel to Netflix's smash-hit film, The Kissing Booth! Elle Evans seems to have finally tamed hotter-than-hot bad boy Noah Flynn, but now they're facing a new challenge. Noah's 3,000 miles away at Harvard, which means they're officially a long-distance couple - and it's tough. After all, there's only so much texts and calls can satisfy - and when Elle sees a post which suggests Noah's getting friendly with someone else, she's devastated. On top of that, it's hard to ignore new boy Levi. He's gentle, ... |
Based on the story of Louisa May Alcott. Retold by John Escott. ... When Christmas comes for the four March girls, there is no money for expensive presents and they give away their Christmas breakfast to a poor family. But there are no happier girls in America than Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. They miss their father, of course, who is away at the Civil War, but they try hard to be good so that he will be proud of his little women when he comes home. This heart-warming story of family life has been popular for more than a hundred years. Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
The end of an era. The beginning of everything else. Summer is here, and Elle can't wait to spend it with her two favourite boys: Noah and Lee! Better yet, they'll be chilling at the Flynn family beach home, where Elle and Lee discover the Beach Bucket List - their childhood wishlist of crazy things they swore they'd do together before going to college. Elle is determined to make this the best summer ever because she's facing the hardest decision of her life. Should she move across the country to join Noah at Harvard, or fulfil her lifelong promise to go to college with Lee at Berkeley? Soon, between ... |
Тази книга предлага на децата незабравими часове с весели забавления. На страниците ѝ те ще се запознаят с различни животни и заедно с тях ще преживеят приключенията, които им се случват, докато растат. Градинско приключение и други весели истории за деца над 2 години е първа среща с книгите и четенето и е истинска съкровищница на безценни спомени за времето в прегръдките на мама и тате, с които децата разлистват заедно шарените страници. Илюстрации: Кристен Хъмфри. ... |
Сиси обича да говори, да пее и да играе. Тя не обича да стои на едно място, да пази тишина и да слуша, което е голям проблем в училище. Прекалената общителност на Сиси се отразява върху приятелствата ѝ и ученето. Ще промени ли Сиси поведението си и ще разбере ли кога да общува и кога да кротува? Тази книга е предназначена специално за най-малките читатели. Съдържа увлекателна история, написана с кратки изречения и подходящ едър шрифт. Допълнителната ценност на книжките от поредицата е, че те учат децата ни как да бъдат по-смели, по-дружелюбни, по-мили и по-добри. Помагат им да преодоляват притеснения, страхове и ... |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big – in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. The Student's Book pages are fully integrated into the Teacher's Book with teacher's notes, answers, mixed-ability support and references to online resources. The digital pack includes Presentation Plus, teacher's resources ... |
Обичате сладкото, да се забавлявате с грима и да изразявате себе си - I Heart Revoluiton е тук за вас. ... Заблестете с хайлайтъра Unicorn от Revolution. Той включва 3 прекрасни нюанса, носещи духа на магичния свят на еднорозите. Те осигурят свежест и естествено сияние на кожата. Цветовете се допълват перфектно и можете да ги използвате както поотделно, така и заедно. Хайлайтърът I Heart Revolution Unicorn е в компактна красива опаковка, за да е с вас навсякъде винаги, когато имате нужда от блясък. ... |