Second edition. ... This new edition of the Cambridge Idioms Dictionary explains over 7,000 idioms current in British, American and Australian English, helping learners to understand them and use them with confidence. Fully updated with new idioms, e.g. think outside the box, play out of your skin, the new black New, attractive page layout with idioms in colour for easy reference Clear explanations and example sentences for every idiom Most common idioms highlighted so students know which to learn Topic section covering useful language areas, e.g. agreeing and disagreeing, telling stories ... |
Продуктът е software за мобилен телефон ... Софтуер за мобилни телефони и Windows. Cambridge Dictionary of American English предоставя дефиниции на около 40,000 думи и компилиран да предложи най-необходимото на учещите английски. С ясни дефиниции, актуален подбор на думите и изобилие от примери е неоценим помощник за всеки, който учи английски. Предоставената тук версия на речника е за мобилни телефони, PDA устройства и Windows настолни компютри. Специално разработен за учещи английски Около 40,000 най-често използвани в американския думи 2,000 основни думи, използвани в дефинициите на думите в речника Автентични ... |
Second Edition. ... The second edition of the Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary covers around 6,000 phrasal verbs current in British, American and Australian English. Clear explanations and guidance help learners master this difficult yet essential aspect of the English language. Fully updated with new phrasal verbs, e.g. cosy up to, copy in, sex up. Clear advice on grammar and usage. Thousands of example sentences show phrasal verbs in typical contexts. Most common phrasal verbs highlighted so students know which to learn. A thematic section shows phrasal verbs in topic groups for vocabulary expansion. ... |
A fully updated edition of the best-selling Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. This paperback edition is ideal for advanced (C1 - C2) learners of English and contains up-to-date vocabulary, including words from the areas of technology, media, language, society, and lifestyle, plus important words for academic study. With over 140.000 words, phrases, meanings, and examples, hundreds of pictures and illustrations, clear definitions and a new Focus on Writing section, the dictionary is perfect as a reference tool and as a study companion. Informed by the Cambridge International Corpus and correlated to English ... |
Продуктът е software за мобилен телефон ... Софтуер за мобилни телефони и Windows. Електронно издание на Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, което предоставя дефиниции на около 170 000 думи, фрази и примери, обяснени на ясен и естествен английски. Речника е специално компилиран, за да предоставя на учещите английски най-необходимото от един речник. Предоставената тук версия на речника е за мобилни телефони, PDA устройства и Windows настолни компютри. Предоставената тук версия на речника е за мобилни телефони, PDA устройства и Windows настолни компютри. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary предоставя ... |
With animated stories, songs, printable worksheets and flashcards, and over three hundred illustrated words needed for the Movers level of the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests, the Primary i-Dictionary CD-ROM is ideal for general English classes as well as exam preparation, and can be used with any coursebook or on its own. With pictures and pronunciation for the featured words in British and American English, the dictionary makes learning new vocabulary memorable and fun. Children can sing along with karaoke versions of animated songs. This rich but simple tool is ideal for home use, and parents with no ... |
Animated stories, songs, worksheets and flashcards, plus all the vocabulary needed for the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) test. The Primary i-Dictionary level 1 CD-ROM is ideal for general English classes as well as exam preparation, and can be used with any coursebook or on its own. With pictures and pronunciation for the featured words in British and American English, the dictionary makes learning new vocabulary memorable and fun. This CD-ROM is for single classroom use. A multi-classroom use CD-ROM is also available. Учебната система "Primary i-Dictionary - Ниво 1: High Beginner" съдържа: учебна ... |
Packed with fun activities, this workbook is the perfect accompaniment to the Primari i-Dictionary 1 DVD-ROM. All the vocabulary from the DVD-ROM is practised with picture labelling and matching exercises at the start of each unit. Varied activities in the book include: Word searches Crosswords Colouring and drawing Anagrams Self assessment True or false questions... and much more The DVD-ROM is for home use. You will need: Windows7, XP or Vista and MAC OS X 10.3 500 MB free disc space 512 MB ram for Windows XP, 1 GB for Vista Adobe Reader 8.2 or higher Sound card and speakers for listening and/or ... |
With animated stories, songs, printable worksheets and flashcards, and over three hundred illustrated words needed for the Flyers level of the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests, the Primary i-Dictionary CD-ROM is ideal for general English classes as well as exam preparation and can be used with any coursebook or on its own. Pictures and pronunciation for the featured words in British and American English, make learning new vocabulary memorable and fun. Children can sing along with karaoke versions of animated songs. This rich but simple tool is ideal for home use, and parents with no knowledge of English will ... |
The Primary i-Dictionary Level 2 Workbook and DVD-ROM pack is ideal for general English classes as well as exam preparation. The Workbook contains all the words from the DVD-ROM plus activities. Young learners will enjoy labelling the pictures, then checking with the DVD-ROM, as well as doing crosswords, word searches, gap fills and colouring activities. The DVD-ROM contains pictures and pronunciation for the featured words in British and American English, the dictionary makes learning new vocabulary memorable and fun. The DVD-ROM is for home use. You will need: Windows7, XP or Vista and MAC OS X 10.3 500 MB free ... |
"Aim High" is a six-level course that develops language learning through carefully chosen vocabulary (including words from the Oxford 3000), texts which are interesting, and essential study skills. The iTools digital material adds variety to class teaching and the Student CD-ROM is great for home study. Online Practice provides extra homework activities that can be automatically marked and that teachers can track. Revision and self-assessment sections help learners towards exam success and there is extensive testing material too. Key features: develops language learning and presents vocabulary through rich ... |
Граматиките упражняват комуникативните умения като изнасяне на презентации, разговори по телефона и водене на кореспонденция. Лексикалната информация е представена и обяснена на лявата страница, а практическите упражнения са дадени на дясната страница. Второто издание включва компактдиск с интерактивни упражнения и игри, произношението на всички думи или фрази, тестове към всеки урок и фонетична таблица с насоки за произношението. Учебната система "Business Vocabulary in Use" съдържа: книга с отговори - ниво advanced книга с отговори - ниво intermediate книга с отговори - ниво elementary - pre- ... |