Цялостна програма за биологично подмладяване."За повечето от нас представата, че ще живеем след 90, не е привлекателна. Слабост, изхабяване, намалена двигателна активност, болести - това ни очаква. Може ли обаче да достигнем 90, 100 и повече години здрави, активни и с бистър ум? Отговорът, който дават най-новите изследвания в областта на стареенето и дълголетието, е твърдо да! Програмата Да останем млади и здрави ще ви запознае с тази част от науката, но по-важното - ще ви предложи пътна карта и практически насоки за включване на най-добрите научни постижения на функционалната медицина в личния ви план за грижа към ... |
The Ultimate Feel Good Songs. ... |
Книга 25 от поредицата Литературата на НРБ: история и теория се занимава с връзката между националната идентичност и театъра като цялостна социално-символна практика. В нея се търси отговор на въпроса как театърът участва в изграждането на националната идентификация от създаването на модерната българска държава до установяването на комунистическия режим в България през 1944 г., но и как театърът е използван за нейното пренасочване от комунистическата партия и държава до 1989 г. Обяснява се защо Молиер по неволя трябвало да вземе участие в нашата черковна борба, защо ръката на Н. О. Масалитинов става вълшебна и как ... |
Книгата е част от поредица "Изследователски форум" на издателство "Рива". ... Противно на хронологическата логика, тази книга започва със старостта. Но нейната логика е на "жизнения път" на режима, а не на хората в него. За "младия строй" старостта е анормална, доколкото е присъствие на миналото, от което той се оттласква; тя следва да бъде сегрегирана и скрита или най-малкото - недовидяна от насочения към бъдещето институционален взор. По-нататък, с остаряването на самия режим, но не и на неговата утопия, старостта трябва да бъде някак преодоляна, ако не и направо преобърната. ... |
For years, rumors of the Marsh Girl have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl. But Kya is not what they say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived for years alone in the marsh that she calls home, finding friends in the gulls and lessons in the sand. Then the time comes when she yearns to be touched and loved. When two young men from town become intrigued by her wild beauty, Kya opens herself to a new life - until the unthinkable happens. Where the Crawdads Sing ... |
The year is 1547. In London, two boys from different families live very different lives. One is Edward Tudor, a prince and the future King of England; the other is Tom Canty, the son of a thief. One day they meet and their lives change forever. What happens when the two boys wear each others clothes? Why does the prince need the help of a poor man? Who becomes king when Henry VIII dies? And how can a beautiful gold object save the prince? Mark Twain's classic story of two young boys who swap lives has the answers. "A few minutes later, Tom was wearing the prince's expensive clothes and the hat with purple ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Dorian Gray is young, arrogant, and devastatingly handsome. Confronted by his beauty in the form of a portrait, and struck by the terrible realization that he will age, Dorian wishes to retain his charms forever and finds his desire granted. He abandons himself to a life of hedonism, vice and murder, yet his face remains unmarked by his evil. But, hidden in his attic, the painting ages and corrupts, and one day Dorian must stand face to face with the man he has become. A perfect depiction of fin-de-siècle decadence, Oscar Wilde's only novel ... |
Victor Dalmau is a young doctor when he is caught up in the Spanish Civil War, a tragedy that leaves his life - and the fate of his country - forever changed. Together with his sister-in-law, he is forced out of his beloved Barcelona and into exile in Chile. There, they find themselves enmeshed in a rich web of characters who come together in love and tragedy over the course of four generations, destined to witness the battle between freedom and repression as it plays out across the world."A masterful work of historical fiction about hope, exile and belonging and one that sheds light on the way we live now." ... |
If you knew the date of your death, how would you live your life? ... It;s 1969, and holed up in a grimy tenement building in New York's Lower East Side is a travelling psychic who claims to be able to tell anyone the date they will die. The four Gold children, too young for what they're about to hear, sneak out to learn their fortunes. Such prophecies could be dismissed as trickery and nonsense, yet the Golds bury theirs deep. Over the years that follow they might attempt to ignore, embrace, cheat or defy the "knowledge" given to them that day - but it will shape the course of their lives forever. & ... |
По романа на Емили Бронте, преразказан от Елизабет Ферети. ... In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte shows us the destructive power of hatred and revenge, but she also explores love in its many forms and, in the end, her story is about hope. Cathy's life is changed forever when her father brings home an abandoned child he names Heathcliff. As Cathy and Heathcliff grow up, their love for each other is as wild as the moors. But, can love overcome jealousy? Can forgiveness enter hearts filled with pain and suffering? In this reader you will find: information about Emily Bronte's life; sections focusing on ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Peter, Phyllis and Roberta's lives change overnight when their father is taken away by two strangers. They move from the comfort of their London home to a small country cottage, and are left to their own devices while their mother writes day and night to support the family. But with their new poverty comes more freedom than they ever dreamed of, and the railway line at the bottom of their garden offers the trio a world of new friendships that will change their lives forever. A tale of blissful independence and adventure, Edith Nesbit's beloved ... |