Whether you're skiing in Vermont, hiking the northern Appalachian Trail or exploring the back streets of old Boston, "The Rough Guide to New England" tells you all you need to know about this picturesque region. The 28-page, full-colour section introduces all of New England's highlights, from the beauty of the Berkshires to the windswept Maine coast, with two additional 4-page, full-colour inserts: Literary History' and Food and Drink'. The guide includes a new author pick' section of the very best hotels and restaurants, plus in-depth reviews of hundreds of shops, bars and clubs to suit all ... |
31 countries, 127 maps. Includes Turkey and Morocco. ... The Rough Guide to Europe 2005 edition is the ultimate budget guide to the continent. There is a 24-page full-colour section containing a selective and subjective taste of the continent's highlights illustrated with dozens of photos. There are lively accounts of all the main attractions, from seeing the midnight sun to taking a Turkish bath. First-hand advice guides the reader around bar-hopping in Berlin, exploring temples in Greece and trekking in Morocco. The practical focus is on budget travel, with everything students and backpackers need to know to get ... |
Учебникът по английски език за 8. клас е подходящ за неинтензивна форма на обучение. ... Темите в учебната система Insight съдържат поредица от информационно наситени текстове, съпътствани от интересни дейности и задачи, които мотивират учащите да изразяват своето мнение и да мислят критично в света, в който живеят. Insight помага на учениците да усъвършенстват разбирането си за това, как работи езикът. Материалите в урочните единици разглеждат не само речниковите значения на думите, но и граматичните правила, които определят тяхното използване. По този начин се предоставя възможност на учащите да използват езика с по- ... |
Учебната система Insight - ниво A1 на издателство Oxford University Press е предназначена за изучаване на английски език в 8. клас, за неинтензивна форма на обучение. Учебната тетрадка допълва уроците от учебника с допълнителни упражнения към всеки урок. Учебната система по английски език за 8. клас се състои от: учебник за интензивно и разширено обучение учебна тетрадка за интензивно и разширено обучение учебник за неинтензивна форма на обучение учебна тетрадка за неинтензивна форма на обучение Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
"The Rough Guide to Florida" is the essential handbook to the Sunshine State with full coverage of the best beaches, theme parks, cultural attractions, state parks and outdoor activities. There are detailed reviews of all the top hotels and restaurants to suit every budget, plus a new "Authors' Picks" feature to highlight the very best options. The guide includes descriptions of Walt Disney World and the other Orlando theme parks, complete with insider tips for making the most of your holiday. Whether it's hiking the Apalachicola Trail or snorkeling around the Florida Reef, there is a full ... |
"The Rough Guide to Melbourne" is the most extensive guidebook available to Australia's second-largest city. The guide features lively accounts of the sights and discerning reviews of the best bars, hotels and restaurants. Now published as a larger B-format guide, the 16-page introduction includes full-colour photos of the authors selection of "Things Not to Miss" and large easy-to-read maps througout. ... |
To facilitate the study of 257 important homeopathic remedies ... Easy mastering of the Repertory Fast discovery of key symptoms Reliable confirmation of your prescription Handy help for teachers and students ... |
Explore Plovdiv's millennia-spanning history from its ancient ruins and 19th century houses to its Communist heritage and vibrant modern cityscape. Combining stunning photography and erudite text, this book unveils the city's gorgeous Roman mosaics, elegant neoclassical and modernist buildings, art and hidden gems, churches, mosques and synagogues created by generations of Plovdiv residents. With a special chapter on the must-see attractions around Plovdiv. By the authors of "A Guide to Jewish Bulgaria", "A Guide to Ottoman Bulgaria", "A Guide to Thracian Bulgaria", "A Guide ... |
The Strandzha is Bulgaria's, and possibly Europe's, least known mountain range. It is a wild maze where you can easily get lost and a safe haven for species that survived the extinction of the last Ice Age. It is a mysterious place where century-old legends and stories cohabit with paganism, Christianity and modern mythology. It is dotted with ancient and latterday ruins. Yet, it is a lot more than that. Its pristine beaches at the Black Sea coast, its nature reserves, its rivers and its forests provide the intrepid traveller with countless opportunities to explore: from the perplexing ruins of Begliktash to the ... |
Second, expanded & updated edition. ... This book is for everyone with an interest in Jewish history in Bulgaria and the Balkans, and in the general history of southeastern Europe. It is designed to be a journey through both territory and time, illuminating the sometimes very complex backgrounds while guiding through the topography. Many of the monuments described in it are hard to find and in various stages of disrepair: poignant reminders of a long-disappeared culture, but also pointers to the present and the future. Unless travellers know exactly where they are going and what they are seeking, these landmarks of ... |
Преди 2000 години земите на днешна България станали част от една от най-великите империи в историята на света: Римската империя. Това съдбоносно събитие променило културата, пейзажа и населението на Балканите. Появили се нови градове, пътища и акведукти, работилници и пищни храмове, посветени на божества, пристигнали от близо и далеч. Улиците гъмжали от траки и от преселници от Гърция, Близкия Изток, Средна Европа и Апенините. Когато имало мир, провинциите процъфтявали под закрилата на войниците по дунавската граница на империята. Търговци правели бизнес с всички краища на империята, заможни граждани финансирали строежа ... |
A Guide to Communist Bulgaria meanders through the architectural, artistic and material heritage of the people's Republic of Bulgaria, and puts it in context. The book features the must-visit locations and monuments for anyone with an interest in the triumphs and failures of Bulgaria's recent past: from Buzludzha and Dimitrovgrad to Stalinist Sofiq, the Monuments of Communist guerrilla fighters and soviet soldiers, the abandoned military barracks and cinema theatres, the failed megaprojects and the nostalgia for the idealised communist past and its funny street signs."Communist ideology permeated the living ... |