Лексиката, която ви е необходима, за да общувате уверено в съвременната бизнес среда. Изданието е предназначено за напреднали ученици и професионалисти (ниво B2 до C1), целящи да развият и надградят знанията и уменията си в общуването на бизнес английски. Книгата може да се използва както за самостоятелна подготовка, така и за работа в клас. Съдържа код за електронна книга, която може да се използва както онлайн, така и на компютър и таблет. Може да се инсталира на таблети, използващи платформите iOS и Android от безплатното приложение Cambridge Bookshelf. Съдържанието на електронното и печатното издание е еднакво, като ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Съставители: Пенка Пейковска, Габор Деметер. ... Поради събитията от последните години миграцията се превърна в ключов въпрос, въпреки че тя винаги е имала решаващо влияние върху историята на човечеството (достатъчно е да споменем фазата ѝ, свързана с етногенезиса на съвременните народи през Ранното средновековие, по време на Великото преселение на народите). Характерът на днешната миграция обаче е друг - не защото предпочитат да я свържат с изменението на климата (което не е уникално), не и защото става дума за допира на народи с отличаващи се култури (живеещи от различни страни на Хънтингтъновите "гранични ... |
Шаблонът от серията Talent на Rosa е с мотиви на цветя и бръшлян. Изработен е от пластичен материал, който е изключително здрав. Той е удобен за употреба върху различни по форма предмети и повърхности. Освен това е самозалепващ, благодарение на което фиксирането му върху точно определено място става лесно, без да са необходими допълнителни лепила. С него може да добавите финален щрих към всеки подарък. Той е подходящ за измайсторяването на празнични декорации за дома, декорирането на картички, албуми, покани и други скрапбукинг проекти. Може да декорирате различни повърхности като платна, картон, дърво, камък, ... |
"In a fast paced world with media focused on single, dramatic images there is the danger that extended documentary work like that of Babak Salari’s may be missed in the rush for the next great cover shot. Salari’s photographs, by contrast, require us to slow down and savour the moments he has rendered on film. Like any story, the best way to experience “Remembering the People of Afghanistan” is to be conscious of the telling and willing to let ourselves be affected by it. Salari’s photos form a rich, complex story told in a soft voice. It is the story of a people recounted with empathy and respect. At times, it is ... |
From the New York Times bestselling author of "Beach Read" comes a sparkling new novel that will leave you with the warm, hazy afterglow usually reserved for the best vacations. Two best friends. Ten summer trips. One last chance to fall in love. Poppy and Alex. Alex and Poppy. They have nothing in common. She's a wild child, he wears khakis. She has insatiable wanderlust, he prefers to stay home with a book. And somehow, ever since a fateful car share home from college many years ago, they are the very best of friends. For most of the year they live far apart - she's in New York City, and he's in ... |
This stunning book is not only a sweeping document of Africa but an homage to the continent's history, people, and natural phenomena. ... Sebastiao Salgado is one the most respected photojournalists working today, his reputation forged by decades of dedication and powerful black-and-white images of dispossessed and distressed people taken in places where most wouldn't dare to go. Although he has photographed throughout South America and around the globe, his work most heavily concentrates on Africa, where he has shot more than 40 reportage works over a period of 30 years. From the Dinka tribes in Sudan and the ... |
"Angelina Sorensen writes with refreshing sense of humor, with light and slightly ironic take of the things in life. While I was reading the stories of Coupling and Uncoupling, I was reminded about the words of the song The Smile: With a light thread the smile ties one person to another..." Mihail Veshim, Chief Editor of Starshel newspaper "The book of Angelina Sorensen is a dialog with the intelligent reader, an awakening of his emotional memory, an invitation for spiritual interaction. It is very rare to find something like it in our nervous, hurried world nowadays. Rumen Belchev, Chief Manager and ... |
Photo Forum Year Book. ... В албума са поместени 200 от най-добрите фотографии публикувани в най-големият сайт за фотография в България. Към снимките авторите им са споделили кратки истории "зад кадър", интересни факти при заснемането, използвани концепции, осветление, оборудване или трикове. По този начин албумът, освен за вдъхновение и радост за окото, е идеален учебник от практиката в развитието и обучението на прохождащи таланти или вдъхновение на снимащи любители. "Black and White and Color" е първият годишен печатен албум на Фото Форум, който съдържа в себе си 200 от най-добрите фотографии, ... |
George Orwell wrote extensively about English life and politics and this selection of essays and journalism brings together some of his most provocative and insightful writing on England and Englishness. Orwell's interests were broad. He often wrote about everyday concerns such as transport, food and the weather. Turning to social issues, he exposed the plight of the poor and the unemployed. He dissected the idea of nationalism and he examined the failings of the Left. What emerges from his acute observation of English rituals, habits and attitudes is his belief that these are the very things with which the English ... |
During the last few years, the name of Perperikon, situated in the Balkan Peninsula in the southern part of Bulgaria at some 20 km to the northeast of the town of Kardzhali, in the wilderness of the Eastern Rodop Mountains made quite a stir. In the year 2000 "AD, this has been still c small rocky summit, densely overgrown with thorny shrubs and blackberries. Here and there one could see masonry walls and deeply hewn crevices in the living rock left by ancient cultures, long ago extinct. Once, archaeological excavations were carried out on this hill, but the pits were long ago abandoned and overgrown with weeds. A ... |
In his mega bestseller, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, the renowned psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The impact of overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulties of predicting what will make us happy in the future, the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning our next vacation - each of these can be understood only by ... |
Koprivshtitsa is a picturesque little town-museum and is also a re serve of architecture and history, tucked away amidst the pretty rounded ridges of Sredna Gora Range. It is located at a distance of 100 km east of Sofia (the capital city of Bulgaria) and offers to everybody who vis its it an unforgettable stroll into the kaleidoscope of the past. The me andering, cobblestone-paved little streets that squeeze between the tall stone-wall fences, the heavy wooden gateways with little built-in doors, and the beautiful wooden houses - symbol of wealth and prosperity of their owners, the wonderful arched bridges over river ... |