"Вярно ли е, че психологията е просто здрав разум? За всеки, който си задава този въпрос, тази удивителна книга – която развенчава 50 мита на популярната психология и накратко отхвърля още 250 – предлага убедителни отговори. Освен това прави и нещо повече: предлага запленяващи примери как действа науката и насърчава критичното мислене. За преподаватели, студенти, писатели и всеки, който иска да мисли по-интелигентно, тази бъдеща класика ще бъде ценен извор и страхотно четиво". Дейвид Г. Майърс, колеж Хоуп, автор на "Intuition: Its Powers & Perils""Инструмент за разбиване на митове, крайно ... |
The 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling foundational business training manual for ambitious readers, featuring new concepts and mental models: updated, expanded, and revised. Many people assume they need to attend business school to learn how to build a successful business or advance in their career. That's not true. The vast majority of modern business practice requires little more than common sense, simple arithmetic, and knowledge of a few very important ideas and principles. "The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition" provides a clear overview of the essentials of every major business topic: ... |
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This book is in British English. ... Stuart is 17 years old and lives in Leeds. He has left school but he has no job and no money. He wants the motorbike that his friend Martin is selling. How will he find the money to buy Martin’s bike? Included CD contains audio versions of all the chapters of the book. Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at www.macmillanreaders.com. ... |
"The Merchant of Venice" is most associated not with its titular hero, Antonio, but with the complex, unforgettable figure of the money-lender, Shylock. It is Shylock who finances Antonio's friend Bassanio in his pursuit of the beautiful Portia, and who demands a gruesome bond from the wealthy merchant. Described as a comedy in the First Folio, Shakespeare's explorations of prejudice, duty and the nature of justice make for a far darker play. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition is illustrated throughout by Sir John Gilbert (1817 - 1897), and includes an introduction by Ned Halley. Designed ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Joe lives in Canada, in a beautiful, quiet place. His peace is interrupted one day by the noise of bulldozers excavating near his house. He is told that it's a diamond mine. Joe is a journalist for a local newspaper and his neighbours soon come to ask him to write about the awful noise and destruction. Joe becomes suspicious when his boss won't let him write about it. He starts to investigate the mine, but ... |
Finance-banking resource technologikal mafia-driven Materialismus. ... Lord Prof. prof. Dr. Momchil Dobrev - Halachev is the only research professor in three disciplines - physics, economics and law. In the distant 1985. In just one year, he graduated from the Ilmenau Technical University for three and a half years, and was immediately invited to work with Prof. K-H von Gothe in his laboratory, where under the guidance of the professor in February 1985 they discovered superconductivity, but were forbidden to it was published after Bulgarian State Security agents began to press Momchil Dobrev. 1987 The Nobel Committee ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Now a major motion picture with a hugely star studded cast, featuring the likes of Robert Downey Jr., Tom Holland, Emma Thompson, Antonio Banderas and Selena Gomez. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Doctor Dolittle is one of the most delightful and fascinating characters in children's literature. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Story of Doctor Dolittle is ... |
Картата е на български и английски език. ... Тя обхваща 1 400 кв. км. от най-атрактивната част на южното черноморие. Картата е получила от БКА сертификат №3 за качество на картографски продукт. Характеристика на туристическата карта на Средна гора: картата е с мащаби: 1:50 000 и 1:15 000; размер на сгъната картата 22.7 х 11.5 cm; размер на разпъната карта 70 х 100 cm. ... |
"A yet too rare example of a balanced approach towards the Bulgarian past is what you will come upon in this book... You might not share the opinion of what has been laid out here; you might find the events and their explanation well-known or queer - anyway, it is worth reading it." Andrey Pantev, Professor of history ... |
Compiled by: Tig Thomas. ... "Illustrated Treasury of Hans Christian Andersen" is a delightful hardback book for children aged 7+ to celebrate one of the most famous storytellers of all time. The book contains a wealth of enchanting illustrations that bring the wonderful fairytale world of Hans Christian Andersen to life. Taking readers on a magical journey in which mermaids are enchanted, princes are turned into swans, and tin soldiers are always brave, this is truly an anthology to treasure. Discover magic, wonder and adventure woven throughout this charming collection. "Illustrated Treasury of Hans ... |