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Funny rhymes and crazy creatures to make you giggle! ... With 121 possible combinations! What do you get when you cross a goat with a turkey? Why, a gurkey of course! What about a pig with a sheep? Well, that would be a peep, naturally! A very silly book that the whole family will enjoy. ... |
Funny rhymes and crazy creatures to make you giggle! ... With 121 possible combinations! What do you get if you cross a whale with a jellyfish? Why, a whellyfish of course! And how about a lobster and an octopus? Well, that would be a lobstopus! More crazy creatures and silly names from best-selling illustrator, Axel Scheffler. ... |
Funny rhymes and crazy creatures to make you giggle! ... With 121 possible combinations! What do you get if you cross a leopard and a armadillo? Well, that would be a leopadillo! And what about a porcupine and a chameleon? Why, a porceleon, obviously! More silly animals and bonkers words from best-selling illustrator, Axel Scheffler. ... |
When Luna’s family win an island, Luna thinks it will solve everything AND she can finally get a donkey! But things don’t go entirely to plan - no one expects Luna’s younger brother to win a Sheep Pageant, for example – and the secret festival they hold soon spirals out of control. But the island is beautiful, and the family are happy, and maybe Luna will get her donkey after al. ... |
I could have been one too, except i needed a wee.... Winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize. ... Luke is a comic-mad eleven-year old who shares a treehouse with his geeky older brother, Zack. Luke' s only mistake is to go for a wee right at the wrong time. While he' s gone, an alien gives his undeserving, never-read-a-comic-in-his-life brother superpowers and then tells him to save the universe. Luke is massively annoyed about this, but when Zack is kidnapped by his arch-nemesis, Luke and his friends have only five days to find him and save the world... "You'll laugh until you fall out of ... |
And my toaster is taking over the world... By the winner of the waterstones children's book prize. Cover artwork by Robin Boyden. ... Luke’s dad has bought a lot of gadgets recently and not one of them works as it’s supposed to. Maybe it’s because a machine-from-the-future is stalking Bromley, playing havoc with all the tech and trying to stop Star Lad going on a date. Could this be the Rise of the Machines? Luke knows what he must do - he just needs his fellow SCARF members to help, or it will be the end of everything... ... |
Беседи с Шри Нисаргадатта Махарадж. ... За първи път на български се представят словата на мумбайския мъдрец - Нисаргадатта Махарадж, записани от неговия преводач С. К. Мулларпаттан през последните две години от живота му. Махарадж посрещал своите слушатели на ежедневни беседи в скромната си стаичка в Мумбай в периода между 1951 - 1981 г. Постепенно стаичката се превръща, както сам Махарадж се изразява, в гара. Слушателите, идващи от цял свят, можели да останат до десетина дни (достатъчни, за да получиш всичко, което ти е нужно) и след това трябвало да отстъпят място на новодошлите. Въпреки че формално принадлежи към ... |
Morrigan Crow is cursed, destined to die on her eleventh birthday. But, as the clock strikes midnight, she's whisked away by a remarkable man called Jupiter North and taken to the secret city of Nevermoor.There she's invited to join the Wundrous Society. Mystery, magic and protection are hers - if only she can pass four impossible trials, using an exceptional talent. Which she doesn't have...Perfect for fans of the Harry Potter series and His Dark Materials, this series takes readers into an extraordinary world, setting hope and imagination alive. "Funny and delightful." Sunday Times "A full- ... |
Показалец за Естествен живот. Второ допълнително издание. ... "След като тотално въведох аронията като култура в България и създадохме асоциация на арониопроизводителите през 2010 г., сега идва ред на Планинския лимон (Chaenomeles mauley), който интродуцирах от ботаническата градина в гр. Хорог в Памир, с най-висока надморска височина в света (4500 m.). След близо 20 години самостоятелна работа по интродуциране на плодово-лекарствени растения, на 10 октомври 1979 г. с министерска заповед пренесох дейността си в Института по планинско животновъдство и земеделие, създавайки отдел за лечебни растения. Заедно с аронията, ... |