Сборникът с разкази Унгарски танци на Тенерифе доказва, че животът е твърде кратък, за да го вземаме прекалено на сериозно. С пиперлив хумор, безупречен сарказъм и копнеж по малките удоволствия Весо Портарски кани съвременния читател на стендъп комедийно шоу. Двайсет и пет разказа от личния дневник на автора се превръщат в безупречни скечове, представени през погледа на българин в чужбина, турист в курорти със съмнителни практики, йога инструктор или пък гост на хайлайф събитие. Литературен спектакъл, който ще събуди хедониста у всеки читател и ще му напомни колко шарени могат да бъдат хората по света. Роденият в София ... |
Съставители: Димка Гичева-Гочева, Силвия Кръстева, Петър Горанов. ... Асоциацията за развитие на университетското класическо образование (АРУКО) е създадена на 8 март 2005 г. През годините на своето съществуване тя се превърна в дружелюбна колегиална общност, обединяваща студенти, докторанти, учители, университетски преподаватели, изследователи от институтите на БАН, а така също и колеги, живеещи и работещи в чужбина. Събиращото ни в едно цяло е не само професионалният дълг, но и личната отдаденост на изучаването на културноисторическото наследство на античния свят, продължило битуването си и в следващите епохи чак до ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
"Защо по нощница се пише най-добре? Какви са причините един мъж да не звъни на жената, която му е хвърлила око? (1. Умрял е и 2. Не иска) Как да се отървем от вътрешната си тревожност и да заприпкаме игриво по улицата, дарявайки околните със слънчева усмивка, без да опустошим хладилника преди това? Кое е по-добре за психиката - чаша вино или споделяне в приятелски кръг? А може би и двете едновременно? Всичко това в история, разказана със смях, сълзи, сополи и романтика, подправена със здравословен цинизъм. Живейте го този живот, защото е дълъг колкото два маха от крила на пеперуда, дъх на колибри и прозявка на котка. ... |
Книгата е част от поредицата за детско-юношеска класика - "Златно перо". ... В томчето са включени 16 от най-популярните разкази на патриарха на българската литература Иван Вазов. Те отразяват събитията от предосвобожденската и следосвобожденската действителност в България и разкриват многообразието от теми и художествени образи, както и белетристичното майсторство на автора. Произведенията са подбрани така, че да бъдат в помощ по литература на учениците от основен, среден и гимназиален курс. ... |
The worldwide bestseller. ... "Smaug certainly looked fast asleep, when Bilbo peeped once more from the entrance. He was just about to step out on to the floor when he caught a sudden thin ray of red from under the drooping lid of Smaug's left eye. He was only pretending to sleep! He was watching the tunnel entrance..." From the book This popular paperback edition of the classic work of fantasy, with a striking new black cover based on J. R. R. Tolkien 's own design and featuring brand new reproductions of all his drawings and maps. The prelude to "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit& ... |
A young woman with hypnotic green eyes and a practitioner of the world's oldest profession, Diva Mila is a superstar in the colourful and mystic world of clairvoyants, psychics, and fortune-tellers, which is why people flock to her in hopes of getting a glimpse into their futures. One of Diva Mila's most peculiar customers is the Assistant, who claims to be the mythical criminal boss Gorky’s aide, though he is the boss of the underworld himself. A newly unemployed loser in his late 20s, Bor is dating the Assistant's only daughter. The criminal boss and his ever-silent wife despise the young man and want him ... |
Candide, or the Optimist is Voltaire’s hilarious and deeply scathing satire on the Age of Enlightenment. This classic of French literature has been a bestseller for over two hundred years. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This classic of French literature features an introduction by Dr Marine Ganofsky. Young nobleman Candide lives a sheltered and comfortable life under the tutorship of the ridiculous Dr Pangloss who espouses the ... |
Based on production by Hideo Kojima and Novelized by Hitori Nojima. Translated by Carley Radford. The first volume of the official novelization of "Death Stranding", the new franchise from legendary game-creator Hideo Kojima. Mysterious explosions have rocked the planet, setting off a series of supernatural phenomena known as the Death Stranding. Spectral creatures that devour the living have pushed humanity to the brink of extinction, causing countries to fall and survivors to scatter and live in pockets of isolation. Sam Porter Bridges, the legendary porter with the ability to return from the world of the ... |
An abridged edition with an afterword by Marcus Clapham. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas is the ultimate novel of retribution. Based on a true story, it recounts the story of Edouard Dantes, his betrayal and imprisonment in the sinister Chateau d'If. Years later, Paris is intrigued by the mysterious Count of Monte Cristo, who bursts onto the Paris social scene with his millions. He encounters the three principal betrayers of Dantes who have prospered in the post-Napoleonic boom and, one by one, their lives fall apart. The book was a huge, popular ... |
A New York Times bestseller. Grace Sachs, a happily married therapist with a young son, thinks she knows everything about women, men and marriage. She is about to publish a book based on her pet theory: women don't value their intuition about men, leading to serious trouble later on. But how well does Grace know her own husband? She is about to find out, and in the place of what she thought she knew, there will be a violent death, a missing husband, and a chain of terrible revelations. Left behind in the wake of a very public disaster, and horrified by the ways in which she has failed to heed her own advice, Grace ... |
The sequel to the international bestseller "One of Us is Lying". ... Welcome back to Bayview High... It's been a year since the events of "One Of Us Is Lying". But nothing has settled for the residents of Bayview. Not now someone has started playing a sinister game of Truth or Dare. Choose truth? You must reveal your darkest secret. Choose dare? Well, that could be even more dangerous. Even deadly. When the game takes an even darker turn, suddenly no one at Bayview High knows who to trust. But they need to find out who is behind the game, before it's too late. "Praise for One of Us is ... |
"Far from the Danube" is the story of an extraordinary woman who rescued a heavily wounded knight from a battlefield in northern Bulgaria and managed to return him to a less than grateful family in Normandy, just as the Hundred Years War was about to start. Set against the national and religious conflicts of the early 15th century this is a powerful account of a hazardous journey into exile and of a love between Maria Iskra and Gilles Guiton that flew in the face of contemporary mores, given that as a knight of St John, Gilles had taken a vow of chastity. Based on a recorded meeting between English King Henry V ... |