Alex Blackwood is a little bit headstrong, with a dash of chaos and a whole lot of flirt. She knows how to get the girl. Keeping her on the other hand... not so much. Molly Parker has everything in her life totally in control, except for her complete awkwardness with just about anyone besides her mum. She knows she's in love with the impossibly cool Cora Myers. She just... hasn't actually talked to her yet. Alex and Molly don't belong on the same planet, let alone the same college campus, but when their paths cross unexpectedly, and Alex discovers Molly's hidden crush, they realize they might have a ... |
One of the world's biggest boy bands. A secret love. What happens if the world finds out? A queer YA boy band romance from Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich, perfect for fans of "Only Mostly Devastated" and "What If It's Us". Eighteen year olds Ruben Montez and Zach Knight are two members of the boy-band Saturday, one of the biggest acts in America. Along with their bandmates, Angel Phan and Jon Braxton, the four are teen heartbreakers in front of the cameras and best friends backstage. But privately, cracks are starting to form: their once easy rapport is straining under the pressures of ... |
The Japanese Bestseller. ... What would you change if you could go back in time? In a small back alley in Tokyo, there is a cafe which has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. But this coffee shop offers its customers a unique experience: the chance to travel back in time. In "Before the Coffee Gets Cold", we meet four visitors, each of whom is hoping to make use of the cafe's time-travelling offer, in order to: confront the man who left them, receive a letter from their husband whose memory has been taken by early onset Alzheimer's, to see their sister one last time, ... |
Книгата е двуезично издание - на български език и на английски език. ... Настоящата книга е първо и допълнено издание в България на публикуваната първо в Япония през 2016 г. монография. Проф. Диана Гергова е специалист в областта на тракийската археология, с интерес към археологията на култа, погребалните практики, археометричните изследвания, културното законодателство и опазването на културното наследство. Работи в Националния археологически институт с музей в София, чете лекции в български и чуждестранни университети, сред които Държавния университет в Жешов, Полша, и др. Специализирала в СССР, Англия, Франция, ... |
In a small back alley in Tokyo, there is a café which has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. But this coffee shop offers its customers a unique experience: the chance to travel back in time... From the author of "Before the Coffee Gets Cold" comes "Tales from the Cafe", a story of four new customers each of whom is hoping to take advantage of Cafe Funiculi Funicula's time-travelling offer. Among some faces that will be familiar to readers of Toshikazu Kawaguchi 's previous novel, we will be introduced to the man who goes back to see his best friend who ... |
Хипопотамчето Хипо е толкова ядосано, че чак сърчицето му ще се пръсне! И тогава се появява един неочакван приятел, който му показва как може да се справи с връхлетелите го чувства... Всички понякога се ядосваме, децата също. Тази мила и мъдра римувана история ни показва как да преодолеем яда си и да не му позволяваме да ни завладява. Книжката е част от поредицата Аз и моите чувства на Джема Кери. ... |
Илюстратор: Тони Рос. Пъклените му кроежи ще ви накарат да се превивате от смях! ... Той мрази училището, състезанията и представленията. Общува само с малки гадняри като него. Подъл и вероломен, той е готов да продаде на търг идеалния си брат. Родителите му са винаги нащрек заради него и затова си търси нови. Пакостите му нямат край и около него е много забавно. Запознайте се с ужасния Хенри – детето-чудо, което върши всичко, което не трябва и идеалния Питър – детето-мечта и негов по-малък брат. Кой е по-симпатичен, нека всеки сам да прецени. "Ужасния Хенри" е любимата поредица на децата по света. До днес са ... |
The purpose I pursue with this book is to compare the information that has come down to us from old writers and to draw some conclusions about the people who spread the Bulgarian state to the Balkans, without resorting to the numerous contemporary books that I have read and that fill my library. I do this not out of disrespect for the tremendous work of contemporary Bulgarian writers and historians, but out of a desire to make an independent assessment of events and to draw my own conclusions about the relationship and sequence of events and their consequences by reading only older authors. I hope the book will find a ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. When the wife of a prominent surgeon dies suddenly in the hospital emergency room of Mercy Hospital in Milwaukee, USA, Dr Maxine Cassidy suspects murder. Maxine is determined to find the killer and starts an investigation of her own. However, when someone tries to kill her, she begins to wonder which of her medical colleagues she can trust. ... |
From the award-winning author of "Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda". ... I don't entirely understand how anyone gets a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. It just seems like the most impossible odds. A perfect alignment of feeling and circumstances. Molly Peskin-Suso knows all about unrequited love. No matter how many times her twin sister, Cassie, tells her to woman up, Molly is always careful. Better to be careful than be hurt. But when Cassie gets a new girlfriend who comes with a cute hipster-boy sidekick, everything changes. Will is funny, flirtatious and basically the perfect first boyfriend. There's ... |
Проектирайте и разработвайте програми, компилирайте и свързвайте код, отстранявайте проблеми и други неща. ... Защо сме толкова ентусиазирани за С? Програмите на С са бързи, кратки и гъвкави, и вие ще се научите да ги пишете за нула време. Тази разбираема книга разкрива тайните на кодирането, компилирането, добавянето на коментари, и използването на ключови думи, входно-изходни операции, променливи, цели числа и всичко останало. Още преди да сте прочели Глава 1, вие вече ще сте написали своята първа програма на С! Открийте как да: разбирате целия цикъл за разработване на програми; свързвате код, за да създавате ... |
The deeper she dives, the darker it gets. ... When Aster wakes alone on a tropical island, she has no idea what has happened, why she is there, or where to find her younger sister, Poppy. Meanwhile Sam, who once met the sisters on a plane, makes links between the mystery of their disappearance and suspicious happenings in his own life. In a stunning dual narrative, the truth unravels with devastating effect - and the answer lies in the secret underwater world surrounding the desert island, populated by the beautiful and the impossible. ... |