Откъде можем да знаем нещо? Дали защото науката го е доказала, или защото го пише в Библията, или защото имам вътрешно усещане, че е така? Всичко ли познаваме по един и същ начин? Могат ли различните начини на познание да се съвместят в живота ни и в реалността? В тази малка книжка, Елис Потър ни показва, как четирите основни източника на познание могат да се съчетаят, за да ни направят хора в по-пълния смисъл на думата. Елис Потър е международно известен говорител по различни теми. Първата му книга, Три теории за всичко, е написана през 2012 година и е преведена на четиринадесет езика, включително и на български. ... |
How do you know there's an outside, if you've never seen it? ... Here's the thing about being Inside. Ain't no one believes that they are. Ele has never been Outside. She has never seen a tree or felt the rain. Her whole world is Inside with her books and the Others and Him. But here's the secret... Ele's getting out. For good. "Impossible to put down - this is a writer to watch." C. J. Skuse ... |
Sticker Book. ... Lollipop, painting and puddle - Peppa knows lots and lots of words! How many do you know? Look at the pictures, say the words out loud, then peel off the stickers and play! ... |
The Ultimate Feel Good Songs. ... |
This is a horror story about a scientist and his investigations into his own character, but soon he finds himself under the control of a darker, evil force. "– Mr. Hyde? - Utterson asked. The small man dis not look at Utterson. – That is my name - he said in a low voice. – What do you want? – I am a friend of Dr Henry Jekyll - said Utterson. – You won't find him here - said Mr. Hyde. – How do you know who I am? – Dr. Jekyll told me about you - said Utterson. – He never told you - said Mr. Hyde. – You're lying! Mr. Hyde opened the door quickly. He disappeared into the house and locked the door behind him. – I ... |
She's the inconvenience he never saw coming... and the one he would kill for Damien Black. American royalty. Gorgeous asshole. Shameless rake. Also... my new boss. One night of mistakes and he's running to my rescue like the prince on a white horse. But a liar is no damsel. There's no escaping Rosehill's bad boy when fate keeps pushing you together. But if the souls of the foul are doomed, why does every night feel like heaven? What do you do when a pretty little thing walks through the doors of your exclusive nightclub? You take a front row seat to the show. Ivy Thanos. Brilliant dancer. Dangerous vixen. ... |
Най-продаваната граматика в света за всички, които изучават английски език. Пето издание на граматиката, което включва упражнения с отговори + електронна версия на помагалото. ... Разработено от Реймънд Мърфи и издадено за първи път през 1985 г., English Grammar in Use е популярно издание и до днес. През годините книгата е използвана от милиони хора по света като полезен помощник за изучаването на английската граматика. Петото ѝ издание е с актуализирано съдържание, но запазва простотата, яснотата и лекотата на употреба, които са направили English Grammar in Use толкова популярна сред учащите, а и сред учителите. ... |
For desperate learners and inspired teachers. ... This book is unique, because it is: know how for learning and teaching English language; a practical guide; it has clear and simple explanations; easy to use; full of how to learn tips; full of how to teach tips; a you can do it book; can be used by anyone teaching or learning English; a proved methodology for teaching English as a second language. Помагалото "Recipe for teaching" е предназначено да се ползва заедно с приложението "Методиката на Зорница Драгостинова". ... |
Discover how a cosmic perspective can change everything. Why are we here? What gives us hope? How do we know? 101 exchanges with the most influential scientist on the planet."The most popular scientist in the world". Sunday Times "Don't fear change. Don't fear failure. The only thing to fear is loss of ambition. But if you've got plenty of that, then you have nothing to fear at all." Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson is arguably the most influential, acclaimed scientist on the planet. As director of the Hayden Planetarium, and host of Cosmos and StarTalk, he has dedicated his life ... |
Pocket editions. A compact, user-friendly reference book addressing many of the kinds of questions about grammar that regularly confront teachers, both novice and experienced, when planning or executing their lessons. A glance at any web-site, discussion forum or social network shared by teachers of English suggests that teachers are constantly asking each other questions related to pedagogical grammar. These may simply be questions about terminology or categorisation (What's a clause?; Is like a preposition?), or they may seek to unravel subtle grammatical distinctions (What's the difference between for and ... |