One day, Alice climbs through the big Looking-glass above the fire... and into Looking-glass Land. Here, everything is back to front and the garden is a giant chessboard. The Red Queen tells Alice that when she reaches the eighth square, she can be a queen, too. Then the Red Knight tries to take her prisoner. Will Alice reach the eighth square, and will she finally become queen? "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National ... |
Научи се да работиш с Excel като професионалист, чрез уникалната система EPP. За всички амбициозни хора, които искат да овладеят професионално работата с MS Excel: ще получиш цялостно разбиране за Excel; ще ти даде увереност в работата с данни, графики и таблици; ще имаш по-голяма производителност; ще обработваш големи масиви от данни по-бързо и по-качествено; ще научиш реални приложения от практиката; ще получиш умения, с които да растеш в кариерата. ... |
Наръчник за инвеститори, предприемачи, финансисти и анализатори. ... Открийте силата на Excel в анализа на данни. Книгата е изцяло практически ориентирана, като в повечето случаи към всеки пример се дават допълнителни, в това число и теоретични, сведения, което ще ви позволи да попълните евентуални пропуски в знанията ви. Ще намерите практически примери за: функции за работа с диапазони от данни, дата и час, масиви; текстови функции за обработка на данни и привеждането им в подходящ вид, проверка на достоверността на данните; функции за преброяване, логически сравнения на стойности и изчисляване на очаквани ... |
Научете за какво се използват CSS стиловете и как да ги прилагате правилно. Запознайте се със структурата им, начините за тяхното свързване с уеб страниците, задаването на приоритети, както и използването на селектори и коментари. За да усъвършенствате работата си с езика, книгата включва подробно описание на над 180 свойства, подредени по азбучен ред. Включено е предназначението на всяко свойство, описание на стойностите, които може да приема и пример за това как се прилага. Книгата включва и ценен справочник на свойствата по следните групи: преобразуване и оформление на текст, таблици и списъци; манипулиране на ... |
George Orwell wrote extensively about English life and politics and this selection of essays and journalism brings together some of his most provocative and insightful writing on England and Englishness. Orwell's interests were broad. He often wrote about everyday concerns such as transport, food and the weather. Turning to social issues, he exposed the plight of the poor and the unemployed. He dissected the idea of nationalism and he examined the failings of the Left. What emerges from his acute observation of English rituals, habits and attitudes is his belief that these are the very things with which the English ... |
Прави всичко по-лесно! Разбиране как работят функциите в една формула Максимално възползване от готовите функции на Excel Оценяване и предвиждане на инвестиции и разходи ... Накарайте мощните функции на Excel да работят за вас! Excel съдържа впечатляващите повече от 400 готови вградени функции. Сега преди разсъдъкът ви да се замъгли, тази книга съхранява 150-те най-полезни такива и осигурява инструкции стъпка по стъпка как да използвате всяка от тях във формула. Полезни, примери от реалния свят ви показват как да се възползвате от мощта на Excel за базови задачи, като определяне на средни продажби за бизнеса, ... |
The reigning romance queens (PopSugar) and New York Times bestselling authors of The Soulmate Equation present a charming and laugh-out-loud funny novel filled with adventure, treasure, and, of course, love. Growing up the daughter of notorious treasure hunter and absentee father Duke Wilder left Lily without much patience for the profession... or much money in the bank. But Lily is nothing if not resourceful, and now uses Duke's coveted hand-drawn maps to guide tourists on fake treasure hunts through the red rock canyons of Utah. It pays the bills but doesn't leave enough to fulfill her dream of buying back ... |
Self-study and classroom use. Understand and be understood in English with the best-selling English Pronunciation in Use. This book, with over five hours of free downloadable audio, includes 50 units of explanations, examples, practice exercises and answers for elementary level (A2) learners of English. You will become confident with all areas of English pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation, and can practise with simple 'listen and repeat' activities, modelled with a single British English accent. Inside the book is a code for the free audio, along with clear ... |
From the author of "Small Great Things" and "A Spark of Light" comes a "powerful" novel about the choices that alter the course of our lives. Everything changes in a single moment for Dawn Edelstein. She's on a plane when the flight attendant makes an announcement: Prepare for a crash landing. She braces herself as thoughts flash through her mind. The shocking thing is, the thoughts are not of her husband but of a man she last saw fifteen years ago: Wyatt Armstrong. Dawn, miraculously, survives the crash, but so do all the doubts that have suddenly been raised. She has led a good life. ... |
Professional English in Use Engineering offers specialist vocabulary reference and practice for engineering students and engineers who need to use English at work. It covers a wide range of engineering fields, including civil, mechanical and electrical engineering. Based on the bestselling English Vocabulary in Use format, left-hand pages explain new words and expressions and right-hand pages provide activities to help learners develop their understanding of new language. Suitable for Intermediate to Upper Intermediate level students, this book is ideal for self-study, classroom work and one-to-one lessons, and includes ... |
Based on the story of Charles Dickens. Text adaptation by Susan Kingsley. ... Thomas Gradgrind believes that facts and money are more important than feelings and imagination. After Sissy Jupe - a circus child - is left alone in the world, Gradgrind takes her into his house, looking after her and teaching her facts with his own children Tom and Louisa. Some years later the Gradgrind family meets hard times. Louisa becomes a prisoner in a loveless marriage, and Tom has problems at work. In the end, Thomas Gradgrind learns the importance of feelings and imagination. Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio. Dominoes is ... |