Second edition. ... Integrating basic concepts and meaning. The business and societal environment has dramatically changed over the past two decades. The accountant is not more a bookkeeper but a business partner in creating both economic and societal value. Being grounded in operational reality and employing leading edge methods needed for the organizational success, management accounting is at the heart of accounting profession today. This book is your guide through the challenges in understanding this fascinating field of accounting and this profession. Management Accounting: Integrating Basic Concepts and Meaning is ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
Целта на настоящия учебник е да бъде от полза при усвояването на основните концепции и методи на управленското счетоводство. Осмислянето на тези концепции и методи е една от най-добрите инвестиции, която всеки студент по счетоводство, финанси или друга икономическа специалност може да направи. Това е така, защото управленското счетоводство е приложимо във всички организации - малки и големи, частни и публични, бизнес и неправителствени и т.н. - и засяга управлението на всички дейности в организацията. Книгата има общо 10 глави, всяка от които съдържа: раздел, представящ основните теоретични концепции и методи от ... |
The book Contemporary Issues in Accounting. The Accounting Profession studies a wide spectrum of issues, encompassing: the impact of the fourth industrial revolution and the deployment of technological innovations such as Big data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain; sustainability reporting of companies and its expanding standardisation; and accountants' ethical behaviour in the technology-driven business environment. The analysis is focused on the new role and functions of the accounting experts within organisation and the skill set of the future accountants considered sustainable ... |
Part of the hugely popular "Professional English in Use" series, this book offers management vocabulary reference and practice for learners of intermediate level and above (B1-C1). Key MBA topics, covered in 40 independent units, including Leadership, Change Management and Finance are presented through real business case studies. The course has been informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that the language taught is up-to-date and frequently used. Primarily designed as a self-study book, it can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons. This book is a must for both students of MBA ... |
Fifth Edition. ... Would you like to get acquainted with the most important techniques every company manager should know? Quickly differentiate the fundamentals from the secondary, leading to the most accurate decisions? And do all of this for both everyday and extraordinary situations? If so, simply read this book. It presents an atypical look at the most successful techniques in business and draws on rich experience. Even within complex topics, easy-to-remember examples lead the reader step by step through the material clearly and methodically. The leading principles are highlighted, as are possible exceptions to them. ... |
"Настоящият учебник е предназначен за студентите от икономическите специалности, които изучават дисциплината Одитинг (Финансов одит). В него систематизирано се представя теорията и практиката на одита. Дисциплината Одитинг (Auditing) е една от основните счетоводни дисциплини, заедно с Финансово счетоводство (Financial Accounting), Управленско счетоводство (Management Accounting) и Данъчно облагане (Taxation). Знанията и уменията, които се придобиват по тази дисциплина, са необходими за упражняване на всички професии в областта на счетоводството. Теоретичните постановки на одита и одитния процес трябва да се ... |
The monograph Education 4.0 and innovative techniques in teaching attempts to present the latest models and techniques of teaching, as well as the challenges facing higher education institutions in a COVID-19 pandemic. Given the specifics of the subject, the publication will be useful for professionals in the field of teaching accounting and finance at universities, and for all who are interested in the problems of innovative teaching methods. Assoc. Prof. Nadya Velinova-Sokolova, PhD, is a lecturer in the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business Adminisration, Sofia University St. ... |
The Bank Accounting textbook is intended for English-speaking students enrolled in all bachelor’s and master’s courses, who study the academic discipline "Bank Accounting". It complies with the curricula of the following specialties - "Accounting", "Finance" and "Finance and Accounting" as well as with the syllabus on "Banking Accounting". This book is also useful for specialists in the banking system. The content of the textbook has been presented in an accessible manner. When introducing the separate chapters, learning objectives have been outlined and key terms defined, ... |
Manual of "Accounting Principles" is intended to be a relatively complete helpful learning system for use in the first semester accounting course at the university level. The adequate system tries to respond to the students complex needs in studying English course of accounting principles on Bulgarian soil. Obviously the course provides most of the students with their first educational exposure to particular accounting topics. ... |
Задължителен справочник за работещите в сферата на финансите. В 50 урока са представени всички аспекти на финансовата лексика от счетоводство до заеми, от банкиране до джойнтвенчър. Книгата е идеален помощник при подготовка за сертификатния изпит Cambridge ICFE. Може да се използва както за работа в клас, така и за самостоятелна подготовка. Учебната система "Professional English in Use" съдържа помагалата: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Modern companies face a number of challenges in performing their activities. The business environment in which they operate is characterized by dynamics, intense competition and a high degree of uncertainty and risk. Fluctuations in market demand are becoming larger and more unpredictable, and competition between goods and services offered in these markets is intensifying. All these factors require companies to take the necessary action to adapt to new conditions. The production of goods and the provision of services that customers want requires companies to pay increasing attention to their resource availability - in ... |
English for Logistics and Supply Chain Management е пособие, предназначено за обучение по специализиран английски език на студентите от специалността Логистика, ОКС Магистър във ВВМУ Н. Й. Вапцаров. Освен за студенти то може да бъде полезно за специалистите в областта на логистиката и транспорта, както и за всички, работещи в компании в условията на все по-засилваща се дигитализация, виртуализация и глобализация на света. Безспорно е, че управлението на логистиката и веригата за доставки изисква висока степен на координация за осигуряване плавния поток от стоки, информация и други ресурси от началната точка на суровини ... |