Здравейте! Аз съм Луси Джесика Хартли и имам вълнуваща новина! Познайте какво се случи? Ще правя модните страници в нашето ново училищно списание! Имам само няколко дни, за да организирам истинска професионална фотосесия, да намеря манекенки, да измисля моделите на дрехите... Страхотно! А между другото с Джулс подготвяме парти изненада за 13-ия рожден ден на нашата НДПЗ Тилда. Не знам дали ще ми стигне времето! Стискайте ми палци! Това е петата книга от поредицата "Това съм аз, Луси!". ... |
Complete and unabridged. Three Men in a Boat remains one of the best-loved and most entertaining comic novels. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, unabridged, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features illustrations by A. Frederics and an afterword by David Stuart Davies. Join our young heroes J., George and Harris (not forgetting Montmorency, the mischievous, irascible fox terrier) as they take a boating holiday along the Thames. Their aim is to escape the ... |
Her life is in his hands. His heart is in hers. One hundred days to choose who lives. ... "Utterly transportive." Renee Ahdieh, New York Times bestselling author of The Wrath & the Dawn Eighteen-year-old Gu Miyoung has a secret - she’s a gumiho, a nine-tailed fox who must devour the energy of men in order to survive. Because so few believe in the old tales anymore, and with so many evil men no one will miss, the modern city of Seoul is the perfect place to hide and hunt. But after feeding one full moon, Miyoung crosses paths with Jihoon, a human boy, being attacked by a goblin deep in the forest. Against her ... |
When nineteen-year-old Abbey Bly gets the opportunity to study abroad for a year in London, it's the perfect chance to finally slip out from under the thumb of her beloved but overbearing retired rock star father. She's ready to be free, to discover herself - but first off, to meet the girls she's rooming with. That is, until she arrives at her gorgeous new flat to discover those roommates are actually all boys. Charming, funny, insufferably attractive boys. And off-limits, with a rule against fraternizing between housemates after unwanted drama with the previous girl. Abbey has never considered herself a ... |
"Здравейте, езикови ентусиасти! Тази книга е внимателно създадена с мисъл за вас и има за цел да направи света на граматиката достъпен и увлекателен! В този наръчник сме превърнали сложността на английската граматика в лесно разбираемо помагало, правейки я достъпна за всеки читател. Ето какво прави тази книга фантастичен спътник за всеки учещ английски език: достъпен език: кажете сбогом на объркващия жаргон! Представили сме граматиката на лесен за разбиране език, като сме се погрижили всяка концепция да е ясно обяснена; всички теми на едно място: Всичко основни теми от граматиката за A1 A2 са събрани в тази ... |
Изданието е многоезично - на български език, английски език, немски език, френски език и италиански език. ... "Българските жени са дарени с благоразумие, което е трудно въобразимо, ако не си го преживял; и въпреки това те не са необщителни. Les femmes bulgares sont d'une sagesse qu'on croiroit à peine, si on ne les avoit éprouvées; & cependant elles ne sont point sauvages." Voyage Littéraire de la Grèce, 1776 "Мъжете и жените в розовите градини във и около Казанлък са с хубав ръст и изящни маниери и въпреки че жените рядко са красиви, те притежават онзи безименен чар, ... |
Complete and unabridged. ... As well as being one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century and the recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature, William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939) is the greatest lyric poet that Ireland has produced. His early work includes the beguiling When You are Old, The Cloths of Heaven and The Lake Isle of Innisfree but, unusually for a poet, Yeats's later works, including Parnell's Funeral, surpass even those of his youth. All are present in this volume, which reproduces the 1933 edition of W. B. Yeats's Collected Poems and also contains an illuminating ... |
Светът обяснен чрез математиката. ... Математиката може да ви разкаже за света неща, които не могат да бъдат научени по никакъв друг начин. Този изключително информативна и удивително забавна малка книга отговаря на 100 съществени въпроса, свързани със съществуването ни. Тя разплита загадки, изяснява парадокси и хвърля светлина в тъмните ъгли. От спечелване на тотото и залагане на конни състезания, през Шекспир, Гугъл и теорията на игрите, до пияниците и разводите, от хаоса до безкрайността и всичко между тях, 100 съществени неща, които не сте знаели, че не знаете ви дава отговори, за които не сте подозирали!"Ако ... |
Classic Scottish Poems. A glorious anthology of poetry and verse by the greatest classic Scottish poets, introduced by acclaimed poet John Glenday. With poems from famous Scottish writers such as Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Mary Queen of Scots herself, there is plenty here to enjoy and inspire. The collection roams across so many aspects of Scottish life and culture - its landscape and history, its people and celebrations. It is a country that has always inspired poets to write about love, nature and heritage, and to reflect on the important things of life. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a ... |
A fun and revealing journal to fill out with your whole family. This new spinoff edition of the bestselling journal "Me, You, Us" is specially designed for families to fill out together. Use the prompts to capture funny moments, favorite memories, and personal messages to share only with each other. Decide on your perfect theme song. Design your matching tattoos. Capture special moments, jokes, and ideas that are just "so us". There are no rules - just lots of creative ways to explore and celebrate your special connection. Featuring sixteen pages of new prompts as well as updated illustrated pages ... |
The sequel to Anne of Green Gables, there are lots of new characters to get to know as well as many much loved ones to meet again in Anne of Avonlea. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. Anne Shirley is now sixteen and preparing to take up her new role as a teacher in the local school. She has her best friend Diana Barry by her side and Gilbert Blythe, her childhood enemy, who is now a trusted ally and a fellow teacher. As impulsive as ever, ... |