Умалени модели на два сервизни камиона, използвани от Кралските военновъздушни сили на Великобритания по време на Втората световна война. За да може да сглобите и залепите този макет, ви е необходимо лепило. Оригинално описание: Over 13,000 of the austin K.2 Ambulance were produced and used by the allies in WWII. The crash tender is based on an Austin K.6 chassis and again was widely used. These models can be used with other Airfix products to create a dramatic diorama. Ако искате да боядисате този макет в цветовете, показани на кутията, боичките, които ще са ви необходими са: Акрилна боя "матова" - 33 ... |
Modul 3: Language and Culture. Modul 4: Language Practice."Dear students, Congratulations! As school leavers you have embarked on thhe road to mastering your Englishh proficiency. We do believe that Destination English will be of great help in this process. The course book closely follows the syllabus for the 12th grade for level B1.1. The book consists of two parts, each one respectively devoted to Module 3 Language and Culture, and Module 4 Language practice. Module 3 will reveal to you the world of Englishh-speaking countries and important aspects of their geography, history, political structure and institutions. ... |
In the book, the basic results, related to the theoretical aspect of the GMM, are collected. Some of the GMM applications are described in a simpler form as illustrations. In future, a part of hem will be extended to real models. For example, a series of models have been already prepared, for forest fires, taking into consideration the strength and direction of wind, characteristics of terrain, speed of wood burning and speed of fire spread, as well as other factors. In these models, the grids are 3-dimensional spaces. These models provoked some new ideas for extension of the theoretical research and possibilities for new ... |
Лаптопът MSI Summit E13 AI Evo A1MTG разполага с Intel Core Ultra 7 процесор и има най-новата сертификация на Intel Evo Edition, за да ви гарантира първокласна мобилна производителност. В комбинация с гъвкав дизайн и поддръжка на MSI Pen 2, този модел ви предоставя възможността да се насладите на оптимална продуктивност по всяко време и на всяко място. Лаптопът е чудесно решение за работа в движение. Режимът Intelligent Meeting за 3D намаляване на шума (3DNR+) и AI технологията за премахване на шума подобряват продуктивността на вашите конферентни разговори значително. Summit E13 AI Evo A1MTG ще ви помогне да ускорите ... |
The book featured 3D models of historical monuments. ... A legend has it that in Roman times there were strongholds here that guarded the way to the magnificent Nicopolis ad Istrum. When the barbarians invaded, they besieged and destroyed the great city. Then the Romans settled in the fortresses. Under the fortresses, there were large tunnel-connected dungeons. The Romans carried the treasures of Nicopolis to the galleries. They fortified and managed to hold the fortresses for some time. When they had to retreat, they made lethal mechanisms in the galleries and smeared them with poison. Then they masked the secret ... |
The book addresses the business and economic issues related to the deployment of freight exchange platforms. Freight exchange platforms' developments are of crucial importance for the fulfilment of the European Transport Policy Goals, as well as for sustainable transport development. Besides, the necessity of setting up appropriate institutional and financial framework, as well as business models for their deployment, are the most important issues when assessing the existing platforms and their viability. Moreover, the potential stakeholders should be identified and their interests in transport business should be ... |
Box: 270 x 280 x 30 mm. Illustrator: Sarah Jennings. ... "Read and Play Princess" is the ultimate kids' activity pack - containing a story book, a puzzle book, board games and a puzzle - to keep boredom at bay for hours! "Read and Play Princess" includes everything your child might need inside a colourful play box – perfect for taking with you in the car, on holiday, or anywhere kids might need occupying. The beautiful 24-page picture book follows the story of an unconventional princess, providing a positive message for young readers. The Puzzle and Colour book includes activities such as spot the ... |
Работната тетрадка е незаменим помощник при изучаването на английски език по учебната система For Real. Учебната тетрадка съдържа: синтезиран граматичен материал под формата на таблици, както и подробен списък с новата лексика в началото на всеки урок; много и разнообразни упражнения, които следват уроците в учебника; задачи за четене и писане по формата на езиковите изпити за съответното ниво; тест за самооценка в края на всеки модул. Учебната система For Real - Pre-Intermediate (B1.1) за 8. клас се състои от: учебник тетрадка Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да ... |
Работната тетрадка е незаменим помощник при изучаването на английски език по учебната система For Real. Учебната тетрадка съдържа: синтезиран граматичен материал под формата на таблици, както и подробен списък с новата лексика в началото на всеки урок; много и разнообразни упражнения, които следват уроците в учебника; задачи за четене и писане по формата на езиковите изпити за съответното ниво; тест за самооценка в края на всеки модул. Учебната система For Real - Ниво Elementary (A2) за 8. клас се състои от: учебник тетрадка Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да ... |
The monograph Education 4.0 and innovative techniques in teaching attempts to present the latest models and techniques of teaching, as well as the challenges facing higher education institutions in a COVID-19 pandemic. Given the specifics of the subject, the publication will be useful for professionals in the field of teaching accounting and finance at universities, and for all who are interested in the problems of innovative teaching methods. Assoc. Prof. Nadya Velinova-Sokolova, PhD, is a lecturer in the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business Adminisration, Sofia University St. ... |
In this book, the authors summarize the groundwork developed by various researchers in concern of the kinetics of reactions accompanied by catalyst deactivation, and expound some concepts and approaches which we developed with the aim to extend the knowledge in this area. A new approach is suggested providing opportunities to prognosticate the rate of deactivation according to the reaction mechanism and the current conversion degree. Various deactivation types are distinguished, and the corresponding kinetic descriptions are specified. On this basis, it is proposed to extend the trivial classification for deactivation ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. ... Юбилеен сборник в чест на 60-годишнината на професор доктор на науките Стела Дерменджиева на издателство УИ Св. св. Кирил и Методий. ... |