Самозалепващите индекси Film Index от Stick'n са предназначени за употреба в дома или офиса. Те са подходящи за организация на документи, учебни материали, маркиране на статии и страници в учебници и книги, като при залепване текстът прозира отдолу. Изработени са от PVC в ярки неонови цветове, които привличат вниманието. Самозалепващите индекси могат да се използват многократно и не оставят следи по повърхността след премахване. Опаковката съдържа 100 броя индекси в 5 различни цвята с размери 4.5 x 1.2 cm. ... |
George Eastman's career developed in a particularly American way. The founder of Kodak progressed from a delivery boy to one of the most important industrialists in American history, and a crucial innovator in photographic history. Eastman died in 1932, and left his house to the University of Rochester. Since 1949 the site has operated as an international museum of photography and film, and today holds the largest collection of its kind in the world, containing over 400,000 images and negatives - among them the work of such masters as Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen, and Ansel Adams. Home also to 23,000 cinema ... |
The Ultimate Feel Good Songs. ... |
Compiler: Neli Miteva. ... This book follows the process in the search for personal identity in Bulgarian fashion design through the three conceptual exhibition projects "XXSOFIA", "1.5 km of...", and "STATIONS". The garment is seen as a specific connection of the individual with its environment ("XXSOFIA"), as a visual commentary on the concept of "distance", its duration, length or transience ("1.5 km of..."), or as an interpretation of the global trend multilocalism through the study of our identity created through the experience collected by living in ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. Sophia is excited because she's an extra in a film with a big star, Fabio Facelli. But things go wrong from the start, and soon Sophia's at the police station, not on the film set. Does Fabio live up to her dreams when she finally meets him? Or might the policeman that Sophia calls 'Mr Sit Down' be the one to make her day? ... |
Курсът е разработен за специалисти и студенти по маркетинг. 50 урока осигуряват цялата информация за основите на маркетинга, проучвания, реклама, медии и PR, а фокусът върху истински компании дава разнообразие от оригинални текстове. Учебната система "Professional English in Use" съдържа помагалата: Finance ICT Law Marketing Medicine Management Engineering Изброените компоненти от учебната система се продават поотделно. За да закупите някой от тях, последвайте съответния линк. ... |
Take a journey through the makers and shapers of celluloid history. From horror to romance, noir to slapstick, adventure to tragedy, Western to new wave, this selection gathers the greats of 20th-century cinema into one indispensable guide to movie gold. The collection is arranged chronologically and in an extra-handy format. Film entries include a synopsis, cast/crew listings, technical information, actor/director bios, trivia, and lists of awards, as well as film stills, production photos, and the original poster for each film. From Metropolis to Modern Times, A Clockwork Orange to Bunuel's The Young and the ... |
A young woman with hypnotic green eyes and a practitioner of the world's oldest profession, Diva Mila is a superstar in the colourful and mystic world of clairvoyants, psychics, and fortune-tellers, which is why people flock to her in hopes of getting a glimpse into their futures. One of Diva Mila's most peculiar customers is the Assistant, who claims to be the mythical criminal boss Gorky's aide, though he is the boss of the underworld himself. A newly unemployed loser in his late 20s, Bor is dating the Assistant's only daughter. The criminal boss and his ever-silent wife despise the young man and want ... |
Complete and unabridged with an afterword by Sam Gilpin. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "Oliver Twist" is one of Charles Dickens's most popular novels, with many famous film, television and musical adaptations. It tells the story of the orphaned Oliver who is brought up in a harsh workhouse, then initiated into the criminal world of Fagin and his gang, before being eventually rescued by a loving family. This is a classic story of good against evil, packed with humour and pathos, drama and suspense, and peopled with some of Dickens' most memorable characters. ... |
From the author of Daisy Jones & The Six in which a legendary film actress reflects on her relentless rise to the top and the risks she took, the loves she lost, and the long-held secrets the public could never imagine. Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now? Monique is not exactly on top of the world. Her husband has left her, and her professional life is going nowhere. Regardless of why Evelyn ... |
"Монополи" от "Hasbro" е една от най-популярните игри на бизнес тематика. Тя ще ви запознае с изпитанията на героите от филма "Jay and Silent Bob strike back". Докато играят на нея участниците влизат в ролята на предприемачи, които купуват и продават имоти, а след това строят къщи и хотели. В края на играта, с малко късмет и стратегия, "най-богатият" сред тях става победител. Но това не е всичко. За да спечелиш играта, трябва да знаеш основните правила, както и тези, които са създадени специално от "Jay and Silent Bob". Тях ще откриеш в инструкциите на английски език, ... |
Swiss artist HR Giger (1940 - 2014) is most famous for his creation of the space monster in Ridley Scott's 1979 horror sci-fi film Alien, which earned him an Oscar. In retrospect, this was just one of the most popular expressions of Giger's biomechanical arsenal of creatures, which consistently merged hybrids of human and machine into images of haunting power and dark psychedelia. The visions drew on demons of the past, harking back as far as Giger's earliest childhood fears as well as evoking mythologies for the future. Above all, they gave expression to the collective fears and fantasies of his age: fear of ... |