An unlikely friendship forms between a sixteen-year-old boy and a seventy-two-year-old woman as they rally the community to save their local library. Tom is invisible. He happily blends into the background of life. But Farah Shah changes everything. Farah makes Tom want to stand up and be seen - at least by her. So Tom quickly decides the best way to learn about women is to delve into romance novels, and he finds himself at the village library where he befriends 72-year-old Maggie. Maggie has been happily alone for ten years, at least this is what she tells herself. When Tom comes to her rescue after a library meeting, ... |
Perfect for fans of The Girl Who Drank the Moon, this fantastical and heartfelt first book in a new trilogy from critically acclaimed and New York Times bestselling author Jodi Lynn Anderson follows a girl who must defeat thirteen evil witches. Twelve-year-old Rosie Oaks's mom is missing whatever it is that makes mothers love their daughters. All her life, Rosie has known this... and turned to stories for comfort. Then, on the night Rosie decides to throw her stories away forever, an invisible ally helps her discover the Witch Hunter's Guide to the Universe, a book that claims that all of the evil in the world ... |
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Uncover the sidesplitting life of cucumber scaredy-cats, non-stop pooping hamsters, exploding fish and everything in-between (and some things that have nothing to do with pets but are still ridiculously funny). This hilarious book answers all the big questions, like: do sausage dogs eat sausages? Why has my cat done a poo behind my wardrobe? And how can I persuade my parents to get me a pet? For real-life pet facts, imaginary stories, and a generally laugh-so-hard-snot-comes-out-your-nose read, this is the only pet book you'll ever need! Written by the outstanding children's comedian James Campbell, prepare ... |
H. G. Wells skilfully combines tension, wit and terror in The Invisible Man, a masterpiece of science fiction. Complete & Unabridged. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. A mysterious stranger arrives at a rural Sussex inn on a cold winter's night with his face obscured by bandages and his body cloaked in a long, heavy coat. He locks himself in his room and spends his stay labouring over chemicals in intricate glass bottles. The ... |
The classic biography of reggae legend Bob Marley, updated and revised for the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death. ... Bob Marley left an indelible mark on modern music, both as a reggae pioneer and as an enduring cultural icon. Catch a Fire, now a classic of rock biography, delves into the life of the leader of a musical, spiritual, and political explosion that continues today. Under the supervision of the author’s widow and with the collaboration of a Marley expert, this fourth edition contains a wealth of new material, including many revisions made by the author before his untimely death. An appendix to the new ... |
Един живот, който никой няма да запомни. Една история, която вие никога няма да забравите. Франция, 1714 г. В пристъп на отчаяние свободолюбива млада жена сключва сделка с дявола и заменя душата си за безсмъртие. Но цената е висока - над нея пада проклятието всеки, когото срещне по пътя си, да я забрави. Младата жена се казва Ади Лару и така започва нейният нов, изключителен живот през векове и континенти, през история и изкуство, във вечен опит да остави някаква следа, че е съществувала. Живот, в който образът ѝ не белязва ничие съзнание, а притежанията ѝ се изгубват и разбиват. Единственият спътник на ... |
From the creator of viral Tiktok sensation, @MammyBanter, comes a hilarious warts-and-all novel about modern motherhood - and how having it all sometimes isn't what you think it might be. She used to want it all. Now she just wants a nap. Tara Gallagher is knackered. She used to dream of being Beyonce but suddenly she's thirty-six - with three kids, a loving husband, a very boring job - and instead of headlining Glastonbury, she's in her pyjamas on a Friday night, watching Gogglebox. It's time for a mammy makeover. She's going to show her teenage daughter she's still cool. She's going to ... |
Complete and unabridged with an afterword by Ned Halley. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... A baby is found by wood nymphs in the forest of Burzee. They raise him as their own and give him the name Neclaus. When he grows up, Neclaus has to leave the forest so he makes a home for himself in the laughing valley of Hohaha, where he lives amongst humans for the first time. He discovers there that many children are very poor and neglected so, to cheer them up, he whittles wooden toys as gifts. Eventually he makes presents for all the children and so the story of Santa Claus is born. Fashioned as a whimsical fairy tale, & ... |
Тази книга поднася методите за връзка с ангелите и разчитането на техните послания към хората. Тя също ще ви даде отговори колко вида ангели има, как се хранят ангелите, от какво са изградени, както и кои са условията за това, ангелите да устроят твоя живот."Ангелите са звукът на лекотата и ароматът на светлината. Когато винаги ти е приятно със себе си - ти си в уюта на своята ангелска душа, ти имаш дом. Ангелите изливат мислите си в душата на човека. Ангелското сърце е Вселена на чистата Светлина. Ангелите познават Любовта само като духовно Сияние." Елеазар Хараш ... |
Комплект от 60 карти, които ще ти помогнат да опознаеш себе си чрез интересни и провокиращи въпроси. Трудно е да разберем кои сме ние всъщност. Какво искаме, как се чувстваме и защо реагираме по определени начини? При наличие на неразбиране (или нежелание за разбиране) се обричаме на много проблеми, защото тази липса на самопознание ни вкарва в погрешни взаимоотношения / любовни връзки, работа, която не ни задоволява или просто си прахосваме парите на вятъра. Нищо чудно, че Сократ е обобщил целия смисъл на философията в две думи: "Опознай се". Тези карти представят идеи и въпроси, които са специално изработени, ... |
Суперзвездата и носителка на "Grammy" Кели Кларксън обяви траклиста на дългоочаквания си албум. "Meaning of Life" е колекция от изпълнени с чувства, вдъхновени от соул музиката поп парчета, които определено имат място сред класиките на легендарния лейбъл. За осмия ѝ студиен албум, който идва след "Piece By Piece" – албума от 2015 г., който оглавява класациите, певицата обединява звезден екип от най-добрите текстописци и продуценти, които да си сътрудничат с нея за създаването на дебютния за "Atlantic" албум, сред които са имената на Джейсън Халбърт, Джеси Шатин и носителя на ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the first great spy novels, "The Riddle of the Sands" is set during the long, suspicious years leading up to the First World War. In spite of good prospects in the Foreign Office, sardonic civil servant Carruthers is finding it hard to endure the boredom of his life in London. He accepts an invitation from a college friend, Davies, a shyly intrepid yachtsman, and joins him on a sailing holiday in the Baltic, and there, amidst the sunshine and bright blue seas, they discover a German plot to invade England... Like much contemporary British ... |