Краят на света е само началото! ... След авария в свръхсекретна военна лаборатория в света се разразява епидемия от смъртоносен грип. Властите се опитват да я прикрият с всички средства, но скоро става ясно, че краят е близо. Само за няколко седмици човечеството е почти унищожено. Малцината оцелели са осъдени да бродят из осеяния с трупове свят в търсене на най-оскъдното - близостта на друго човешко същество. Измъчвани от мисли за безвъзвратно изгубеното и от страховити сънища, те са решени да завъртят отново колелото на живота. Две сили се борят за душите на оцелелите. Следвайки техния повик, хората ще се изправят пред ... |
All-time greatest soul music. ... |
The Ultimate Feel Good Songs. ... |
Включени албуми: Ferry Cross The Mersey - Gerry and The Pacemakers Herman's Hermits - Herman's Hermits The Shadows - The Shadows The Animals - The Animals Stay With The Hollies - The Hollies ... |
A brief history of all things: Mathematical. ... In this book, Johnny Ball tells one of the most important stories in world history - the story of mathematics. By introducing us to the major characters and leading us through many historical twists and turns, Johnny slowly unravels the tale of how humanity built up a knowledge and understanding of shapes, numbers and patterns from ancient times, a story that leads directly to the technological wonderland we live in today. As Galileo said, 'Everything in the universe is written in the language of mathematics', and Wonders Beyond Numbers is your guide to this ... |
Сенките за очи Art Couleurs на Catrice са силно пигментирани, за да ви осигурят наситен цвят. Текстурата им е мека, лесна за нанасяне и преливане. Тя се задържа трайно върху клепачите и остава безупречна с часове. Палитрата е богата на цветове с различни ефекти - матов или с фини блестящи частици, както и металически. Сенките Catrice Art Couleurs са веган, не съдържат алкохол, микропластмаса, парфюм, масла и парабени. ... |
In an age Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the west stand in sharp contrast to events in the east, where ties are being streighthend and mutural cooperation established."No reader will leave "The New Silk Roads" with her sense of the world unchanged." Times Literary Supplement "Frankopan is a brilliant guide to terra incognita." Sunday Times "Frankopan has the gift to perspective - the capacity to see the wood for the trees - which he combines with a Talstoyan knack for weaving little details into the broader sweep of human affairs." Daily ... |
The Ultimate battle begins on Ravnica. ... Teyo Verada wants nothing more than to be a shieldmage, wielding arcane energies to protect his people from his world's vicious diamondstorms. When he's buried alive in the aftermath of his first real tempest, the young mage's life is about to end before it can truly begin-until it doesn't. In a flash, a power he didn't know he had whisks him away from his home, to a world of stone, glass, and wonder: Ravnica. Teyo is a Planeswalker, one of many to be called to the world-spanning city-all lured by Nicol Bolas, the Elder Dragon. Bolas lays siege to the city of ... |
Pocket editions. A compact, user-friendly reference book addressing many of the kinds of questions about grammar that regularly confront teachers, both novice and experienced, when planning or executing their lessons. A glance at any web-site, discussion forum or social network shared by teachers of English suggests that teachers are constantly asking each other questions related to pedagogical grammar. These may simply be questions about terminology or categorisation (What's a clause?; Is like a preposition?), or they may seek to unravel subtle grammatical distinctions (What's the difference between for and ... |