Gigi Graham has exactly three goals: qualify for the women's national hockey team, win Olympic gold, and step out of her famous father's shadow. So far, so good, except for two little things. Fine - a little thing and a big, grumpy thing. She needs to improve her game behind the net, and she needs help from Luke Ryder. Ryder is six-foot five, built, opinionated, rude... and sexy as hell. But he's still the enemy. Briar's new hockey co-captain has his reasons, though. The men's team just merged with a rival program, leaving Ryder with an angry roster where everyone hates one another's guts. To make ... |
Поредицата включва 4 нива от A2 до C1 и осигурява на учащите теми и ситуации от ежедневието, допълнени от разнообразни упражнения. Подходящи са за самостоятелна подготовка и за работа в клас. С помагалото "Writing" учащите могат да развият уменията, от които се нуждаят, за да пишат уверено английски, където и да се намират - у дома, на работа, на пътуване, учене или просто в социални ситуации с англоговорящи приятели. Изданието включва отговори на упражненията и CD. Учебно-помощната система по английски език "Cambridge English Skills Real - ниво 2 (A2 - B1)" се състои от: помагало "Listening ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... This stunning Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Demelza features an afterword by novelist Liz Fenwick. Demelza Carne, the impoverished miner's daughter rescued from a fairground rabble, is now Ross Poldark's wife. But events are set to test their marriage and their love... Demelza's efforts to adapt to the ways of the gentry - and of her husband - bring her confusion and heartache, despite her joy at the birth of their first child. Meanwhile, Ross begins a bitter struggle for the rights of the mining communities, sowing the seed of ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... It is 1941 and bombs have turned London into the front line of a world war. In the shadows of the Blitz, Hitler's agents are running a blackmail operation to obtain documents that could bring the nation to instant defeat. Arthur Rowe, a man once convicted of a notorious mercy killing, stumbles onto a German spy operation in Bloomsbury and must be silenced. But even with his memory taken from him, he is still a very dangerous witness. A taut thriller and a haunting exploration of pity, love, and guilt, The Ministry of Fear by Graham Greene is ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Pinkie Brown, a neurotic teenage gangster wielding a razor blade and a bottle of sulfuric acid, commits a brutal murder - but it does not go unnoticed. Rose, a naive young waitress at a rundown cafe, has the unwitting power to destroy his crucial alibi, and Ida Arnold, a woman bursting with easy certainties about what is right and wrong, has made it her mission to bring about justice and redemption. Set among the seaside amusements and dilapidated boarding houses of Brighton's pre-war underworld, "Brighton Rock" by Graham Greene is both a ... |
A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Rollo Martins, a failing novelist, is invited to Vienna by his best friend, Harry Lime. The city he arrives in is unrecognisable - torn apart by the Second World War and shared between the occupying Allies. What’s more, Lime is dead, accusations of racketeering have been laid at his feet, and the circumstances of his demise look suspicious. Determined to uncover the truth, Martins starts asking questions, but soon begins to fear for his own life. Accompanied here by twelve further stories that exhibit the full range of Graham Greene’s masterly storytelling, "The Third Man" ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... It is 1941 and bombs have turned London into the front line of a world war - it is a city of nightmares. Hitler’s agents are running a blackmail operation to obtain documents that could bring the nation to instant defeat. Arthur Rowe, a man once convicted of a notorious mercy killing, stumbles onto a German spy operation in Bloomsbury and must be silenced. Even with his memory taken from him, he is still a very dangerous witness. In the hands of Graham Greene, this tale unfolds both as a taut thriller and as a haunting exploration of pity, love, and guilt. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Life in pre-revolutionary Cuba is not easy and James Wormold, a failing vacuum cleaner salesman, is struggling to fund the increasingly lavish lifestyle of his manipulative sixteen year-old daughter, Milly. So when an enigmatic Englishman offers him an extra income in return for a little spying, he is sorely tempted... But when the fake reports he's been sending to London start to come true, Havana suddenly becomes a very dangerous place indeed. Both a brilliant Cold War thriller and hilarious work of satire, "Our Man in Havana" is Graham ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Ross Poldark features an afterword by novelist Liz Fenwick. Ross Poldark is the first novel in Winston Graham's sweeping saga of Cornish life in the eighteenth century. First published in 1945, the Poldark series has enthralled readers ever since serving as the inspiration for hit BBC TV series, Poldark, Returning home from grim experiences in the American Revolutionary War, Ross Poldark is reunited with his beloved Cornwall and family. But the joyful homecoming he had anticipated turns sour; ... |
Ideas for Integrating Technology in the Classroom. ... Помагалото е подходяща за учители, които искат да включат технология в учебната практика. Книгата съдържа 150 занимания за работа в клас за учащи от начално ниво до ниво за напреднали. Те представят разнообразие от съвременни технологии като мобилни технологии и социални мрежи. Въпреки това поставя на първо място педагогиката на преподаване на език и обхваща различни умения и аспекти на езика като граматика, произношение и лексика, както и проекти и оценяване. Помагалото е част от учебно-помощната система "Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers". ... |
Осмелете се да влезете в Тъмната гора и да откриете Сенчестия си Аз с тази завладяваща колода Таро, нарисувана в традицията на Райдър-Уейт Смит. Всяка от тези, изпълнени с мистерии карти ви води към по-пълноценно разбиране на себе си, на своите тайни желания и скрити мечти. Изследвайте непознатите кътчета на вашата психика и достигнете до неочаквани дълбини в душата си. Таро на Тъмната гора може да бъде вашият водач през мрака на непознатото към светлината, която отразява скритите ви таланти и лична сила, за да разберете тайните им, използвайте ръководството. Таро на тъмната гора съдържа 78 карти Таро. Те са с размери ... |
Най-големият инвестиционен съветник на XX век - Бенджамин Греъм - учи и вдъхновява хората по целия свят вече няколко поколения. Философията на Греъм за инвестиране в стойност, която предпазва инвеститорите от съществени грешки, им показва как да разработват дългосрочни стратегии. Именно това превръща Интелигентният инвеститор в борсова библия още при излизането ѝ през 1949 г. Развитието на фондовия пазар през годините доказа мъдростта на предложените стратегии. Освен че запазва оригиналния текст на Греъм в неговата цялост, това преработено издание включва актуален коментар от известния финансов журналист Джейсън ... |